Particle Flow slow in and fast out


I am animating the emitter particles following the spiral path. It’s moving in even speed around the path but I need the beginning motion starts slowly then increase the speed gradually (Slow in and fast out).

Please share your suggestions.


Care to provide your sample…

Hi burnin,

Here I attached the video file. Please look at this particles motion, it’s moving along the spiral path in even speed.

Requirement: Slow In at the start frame (1:00 second) and Fast out at the end frame (10:00 seconds) Particle motion.spiral.mkv (1.4 MB)

Please find the attached blend file.
spiral.blend (2.4 MB)

You could go into the VSE, drop the scene into the VSE, and then you can use a speed control mod to control the speed - there it a way you can keyframe what frame it’s on… there was a really good 3PointEdit tutorial on this but I can’t seem to find it…

I think this might be the one.

Hi yogyog and cgdomi,

Thanks for your reply.

But I need to simulate this particles in very smoothly, so VSE speed effect not working well on my case.

This particles are ion (protons) inside the cyclotron. This particles initially starts slow motion then increase the speed along the path. In VSE editor entirely slows down the video but I need only to slow specified particles motion.


I see.

Could you…

Loose the curve guide,
Have the particles falling down, allowing gravity to accelerate them (or alternately use a series of wind force fields)
Use a Latice mod to distort the particle system.