Particle Hair from Meshes, Bezier Curves, Nurbs

I implemented two more operators which convert hair and edge loops 1:1 :
“Save Particle Hair to Mesh” and “Restore Particle Hair from Mesh”


  1. To use the save operator: Select a mesh object and activate the particle system, then apply the operator.
  2. To use the restore operator: Select the hair mesh first and then the target, activate the particle system in the target and apply the operator.
  3. Unlike the “convert” button in the particle system modifier the “Save Particle Hair to Mesh” does take the raw particle keys and not the viewport representation (no children, no splines or other effects).
  4. Blender 2.80 is still very buggy when it comes to hair so if you want to render the restored hair you can not use any topology modifiers like mirror or subdivision.
  5. These two operators are not implemented in 2.79 yet

I also successfully transplanted hair from one mesh to another (and across different files) using these new operators.


This is an amazing tool, I was able to lazy convert a hair mesh out of planes into curves with Blender tools and then use your particle hair from curves and I got a quick result. HairNet is good too but refused to do this. Keep up the great work please!

Welcome and thanks!

If you have any ideas for further improvement or suggestions, please don’t hold back.

This is fantastic! Exactly what I needed thank you!

Just one small thing, do you know how to make the tips of the hair taper? (like for example a tube, the outer point would be tapered in) but when you generate the hair for it, the hairs are really spread out instead of confined to the mesh

Can you show me a screen shot?
Are you using hair children?

Otherwise, the third channel of “tangent random” and “normal random” controls the tips. Setting both to 0 should stop the spreading at the ends.

Hi, thanks for the addon!!

I added a Panel to the addon, and I placed in Sidebar > Create Tab, the addon works fine in 2.82a release but in 2.83 Alpha when you push the ‘Particle Hair from Guides’ button, Blender crash, I suppose that they have made changes in API.

This is the addon with Panel:
hair_guides 2.80 (6.8 KB)


You are right. However, my add-on alone also crashes, even without your modifications.
I think they introduced a bug which is related to multi threading and bpy.ops.particle.brush_edit. I will have to investigate it further and report the bug, if it is not already.

Ok, please inform if you fix the issue.

I distilled and reported the bug, as it is still not fixed:

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Thanks for the info, I hope that they fix the issue.

Good news: It seems it was fixed in yesterdays build.

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I’m want to try to use this but i don’t know how to make it works.
I’ve tried installing the addons but i can’t seen any panel anywhere (even with the “panel” version).
I don’t understand the explications in the readme either. Is there a comprehensive guide on how to use this somewhere ??

Ok, i’m startint to make it work.
For my project i have a character with hair made from beveled paths (curves), so there is certain points of the paths that are scaled to shape the hair as i want.!

My question is, is it possible to have the hairs follow the shapes i’ve already done ? Do i have to convert my curves to meshes before ?

You get the customization panel once you applied the operator (select guide first, then the emitter object and search for the operator).

The guide curve does not need to be converted manually, the add-on does that internally.
For now, it only works with extrude (blue) not bevel (red), which will create flat ribbons.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-13 um 09.23.15

But, it is certainly an interesting idea to use bevel to get a cylindrical hair bunch / cluster.
I will look into it and try to add that feature to the add-on.

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Ok, I added the bevel feature.
You will have to download and reinstall the add-on in order to try it out.

Nice addition! You could add an option to also create the central spline so the “clump” is not empty.
Thanks for your work!

I reorganized the options in groups of 5 pairs. The first option in each pair controls the tangent and the second the normal. I also added 2 bias options to the 3 existing spacial randomness options.

Setting a negative uniform bias for the normal (second field of the pair) should be able to fill out the hollow bundles.

I just fixed some Python API related issues and now it should run in Blender 2.83

Hey, I really like your addon, it’s just amazing!
There is only one thing that would make it perfect:
How about one more option that does pretty much the same thing as Rand at root tangent, but does it for each hair vertex step (each “edge loop”) separate and relative to the middle point of the “edge loop” (just calculate the average point of the loop)? It would randomly distribute the Hair inside the cross-section of a 3d mesh (but would also work/not break with flat planes). This would basically allow us to generate volumetric hair from a single 3d mesh with volume…
You would just have to make the relative probability go down the further it gets to the middle, so it generates an evenly distributed slice from a cylinder and not many more hairs in the middle.

I don’t know if you are actually still maintaining this addon (2.90 support would be great ;D) or how fast you reply, so I will start testing if this could work by modifying the addon now, and if it actually does I can send you the modifications.

Until then, peace :v:

edit: To be more clear what this modification should be able to do, I found this paper by Disney about their hair creation workflow in frozen (The new option should make the step possible that leads to image (e)):

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Hi, thanks for the proposal.
But, I am not sure if I understand correctly.
Can’t you already create volumetric hair from cylindric meshes using a negative uniform bias for the normal?