Particle rotation

hi im making this emiting particles following the curve, on all tutorials theres an option of velocity and rotation, im working on blender 3.6 there s no rotation nor velocity. how can i set the rotation of my particles ot follow the cruve.
For now its looks very messy, how they rotate aloneg the curve, definitely not how fishes are swimming. Its the fishes in my project following curve.

Thank u for help

I’m not sure what you mean, and I am also not sure if you can get the fish to rotate the way you want them to. You can also animate the object ( that will be the particle) and it will animate as a particle. ver. 4.0.1

ja i dont have it here the velocity and rotation :frowning: I dont know why, it should be also in 3.6 and earlier versions also…

If you open a fresh file is it there?

ok i opened fresh andd its there…

do u think i can still activate it on this file ive been working on?

I don’t know, but to be sure check if its further down… You can rearrange the tabs. If not you can append the objects in your file to a new file. Also maybe download a newer version?

ja i have to start project again and append all the stuff there. strange it dissapeared there
Thanks for help.

first time working on particles

ok now i know why. its because i had the physics type set on boids. with newtonian the rotation and velocity comes back.

That’ll do it. Good luck.

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