I created a wood chipping animation… the wood chips away to leave a text … the floor is set for collision and Damping at 1.0 and friction 1.0 amount of particles is 15,000 lifetime 200 the chipping starts at 2 frame thru 70 frame… The chipped away wood pieces are suppose to lay on the floor around the text… as it is rendering the animation… the pieces of wood disappear… I’ve done this animation before without any issues… I’ve checked my settings and they are the same as I’ve used before… I’m stumped as to why they are disappearing and not remaining on the floor. any idea what else might cause them to just vanish during rendering… They stay on the floor around the text when I run through the animation but when rendering. they seem to stay on the floor for about 2 or 3 frames and then gone totally… I want the chips to remain on the floor…
here is a picture ... there should be chips on the floor around the H A in this image...
this is what it is suppose to look like… this render is from version 2.79B the settings are the same for the particle system… but for some reason in 2.82 the particles on the floor disappear…
Withouit a blend it’s hard, but there have been changes to the particle system. Re-visit particle settings and in particular, the number of particles. Your 2.79 image also looks like it’s further along in the timeline.
I’ve done this one before… never baked it… in the first image, I was using Blender 2.82 I was further along when I stopped it and rechecked the settings… then started it again and soon as I could tell that the chips were disappearing, I just got an image of it… and then started the Blender 2.79B … the settings on both version are the same… but for some reason the chips are disappearing from the floor in the render as it chips away at the wood… When I made it before, it was in a later version and when doing it this time, I was trying to do it in Blender 2.82… It all looks good when running through the animation several times , but in the render version animation the chips just vanish… When I get the render done that is running now, I’ll try baking the 2.82 version and see if that helps… I’ve never baked it before and the tutorial I used to create it was created in an older version of Blender and it never called for baking… so I didn’t do that… Will try it and see if that solves it… I have another 15 frames to render so looking at about another 2 hours maybe… My settings are exactly the same in both versions… 2.82 and 2.79B I keep the 2.79B version because there was something else I had issues with in the 2.82 version so used the 2.79B to create what I wanted to do…
Will let you know what happens after I bake it…
thanks to both of you for your responses
I’d suggest posting a blend file - even if cut down to the bare essentials. That will at least let us assess if it’s changes in the engine that’s causing it.
Assuming that baking doesn’t help, though since generally particles are cached from the timeline anyway, I don’t imaging it will/ Having said that, baking will save you a hell of a lot of render time, since you can then test a frame rather than rendering the whole animation.
Baking didn’t help… here is the image… of it rendered (around to frame 18 I think)… here is the file also
Sorry… I never had a problem with this animation before… but figured out I was using it in version 2.79B before… I’ve been learning Blender so not an expert yet…
this is the short animation where the chips are disappearing… I stopped it after so many frames because it wasn’t rendering out like it should… if I run the animation in the program, it works fine… but when it renders, it’s not good… That is where I can’t figure out why it’s not working… in 2.79B renders out good. in 2.82 does not render right
( I see I forgot to pack the texture for the wood… sorry about that)