I tried multiple times with multiple systems, newtonian, fluids etc. i was never able to get the particles to drop down without them bouncing like madballs.
Take a look at the blend file.
I tried multiple times with multiple systems, newtonian, fluids etc. i was never able to get the particles to drop down without them bouncing like madballs.
Take a look at the blend file.
In the pipe’s collision settings, you need to use the damping setting. It reduces the bounciness of collision. If you don’t use any, particles will have 100% bounce and will never lose any energy. Try a value of 0.8 or 0.9.
It definitely improved, i guess friction should also be upped.
Yes, but you might need a very small number for friction, or the particles will almost be brought to a full stop.
Damping is for the bounciness, friction is how much the particles can slide once they are sitting on the surface.
I’m also noticing how certain particles pass through the tube, any recommendation for that?
The particle’s subframes might help with that problem.
Ok, hopefully this is the last question, i would like the particles to self collide, should i switch to fluid for that?
Yes, as newtonian doesn’t self-collide.
These settings affect the collision of fluid particles:
keep in mind that fluid physics are a bit less stable than newtonian though, so you might need more subframes if lots of particles will pile on each other.
I’m experimenting with the options but they don’t seem to collide
Their radius might be too small. If you are modeling around the default size in Blender, fluid particles will be pretty small and you may need to increase their “scale” (you will have to manually rescale your sphere object too to match the change).
I made them bigger, actually i already upped the scale by quite a bit before
In the scene you linked, I set the scale value to 0.2 (in the particle settings) and the particles do interact with each other. They behave like a fluid though, forming a puddle with surface tension. Is this what you are after, or would you rather have them collide like marbles?
If you want a rigid collision, it seems fluid physics won’t do. You would have to use rigid bodies instead (or maybe the molecular addon could do it, though I haven’t tested it in this kind of situation).
I’m getting no interactions at 0.2 can you send me the edited file?
I was thinking more like rocks piling on each others, should i try the addon?
You could try the molecular addon if you want, though I don’t know it well enough to help. This seems to be the most recent version, which is for Blender 3.6.
The other option would be rigid bodies. This one is a bit tricky, because rigid bodies can’t be spawned like particles, so you would need to have them all from the beginning, is some sort of storage pipe.
I ended up using rigid bodies, the result seems to be good enough but when i try to add an obstacle to create a timed drop it seems that the pieces stay in place even after the cube has been moved.
If you have a moving obstacle, you need to check the “animated” setting.
Also, you might have to close the cube back more progressively or use a different system, because if rigid bodies end up inside the obstacle, they will probably explode outside the pipe.
Ok now everything works perfectly, surprisingly they explode at the beginning but since i closed the structure they don’t go out and end up how you see them in the clip.
After that they simply follow the tube and fall pretty realistically in it.