Particles slow down the rendering very much

I’ve created this fluid sim:

When I try to render it, Blender says the rendering requires 20+ hours. But if I disable rendering of particles - Spray, Foam and Bubbles - the rendering took a minute.

Is it possible to reduce the time of rendering?

GPU/VRAM/RAM/CPU specs? It’s probably either running out of RAM or VRAM while rendering

Find out what exactly takes “so long” to render - if these particles have a shader with reflection and refraction - than it is probably that.
Rendering fluid with proper light refraction takes time, 20 hours is appropriate for 188 frames.

I don’t try to render 188 frames. I try to render just one frame (№188).

How many samples? What resolution? What’s your lighting set-up? So many things can contribute to long render times.

Does it matter? As I’ve said before, the render takes a couple of minutes if I disable the foam, bubbles and spray particles. So the problem is in these particles, not in scene settings.

Upgrade: I am still not sure, but it seems replacing mesh balls with point clouds improved the situation.

I mean, it could, yeah. Especially if you have caustics and stuff. But then I suspect it would just be super noisy…

Does the particle object (mesh balls as you call them) have unusually dense geometry? No subsurf modifier it or anything like that? Cos that would explain it.

You can check if your render is in GPU not only in Render Properties, but also in Settings, because I couldn’t understand, why my renders took more than 10-15 minutes, and it was pushing on CPU.

If it doesn’t help, then just adjust your water somehow by making lower polygons on the spheres and also by putting “Default” in “Light Paths” in “Render Properties” and also “Fast GI Approximation” in “Caustics”. In addition, put “Faster Render” in “Perfomance”.

You can also put less Samples in “Max Samples”, make it like 2500, instead of 4096. Camera is also an important thing here, because Rendering in 4k, or 2k is gonna make a huge impact on your render.

Noise Threshold can also play a big role in your render, just put it higher, like 0.5, so it would minimize your render time.

Maybe Persistent Data will help.

That’s all I know, sorry if I didn’t help, and you already did all of this.