Particles stuck on the edge of the object

How to avoid particles being stuck on the edge of the moving collider? In Particle system I use Physics type “Fluid”

Adjusting Collision Thickness makes it somewhat possible, but not perfect.

can u provide a blend file so that we can see all relevant details?

Thanks! I’ve already tried to adjust collision thickness but that stuckness is still there :confused: I found similar topic described here but I don’t see clear explanation how to fix it:

Do you use flipfluids Addon. :thinking:
If you’re planning to use flipfluids rather than particles, you’d better contact the appropriate Addon creator directly. Or check out the relevant video.
There may be relevant information in the ba.

If you use particles, make a trick

  1. Replicates objects that require conflict and disables rendering.
  2. Apply the Solidify modifier to the replicated object and extend it by the collision thickness.

Clashes with particles apply to replicated objects.


There are parts where I didn’t understand the question exactly. :sweat_smile:
I think that getting particles stuck in objects will be solved by reducing friction.
Otherwise, you might need more edges of the object.

Since simulation is the detection of mesh collisions, it depends on the state of the modeling.

I think the trick method mentioned above may solve this problem because the thickness of the collision object increases.

※ All the answers are presumptions because we haven’t checked the scene ourselves. :slightly_smiling_face:

According to the Github Issue #508 Particles getting stuck on edges, the fix was to increase the resolution.

Like in your scene, the thinner edges are the cause ( they have included fixes in the 1.0.9 version and forward ) In this case increasing the thickness wouldn’t be a good option. So instead, increasing the resolution becomes the better option as it allows the simulation to better handle problems like this…

Thank you so much for all tips & tricks from your side. It’s good to know there is a website where community really try to help out.
Eventually I managed to get rid of that stuckness by adjusting this section of properties in Particle Properties tab.
Thanks and have fun in 3D!