having a UV color image for wood plank problem
using PBR node with glossy
but not working don’t know if possible to get glossy with PBR on wood
I need the glossy effect to get better 3D effect with UV image
if possible
I need this for planks on old boat and keep the hull 3D shape
when using horizontal planks
if not I can always use bent planks but this is not really realist on a boat!
any one has an idea how to do this with PBR ?
even tried adding some Mix shader and glossy but still not working well
Just scale down the roughness map if it is high. Maybe in combination of increasing the specular. If treated with oil to create a topcoat that creates the glossy, lower the main specular.
Why is bent planks not realistic to use on a boat? What kind of boat?
I can’t do much more helping without object and textures in this case. Share externally if too big to attach here. But I won’t be bothered with a link.
I got another problem
in one file for wood I can see the mat wood texture in viewport
but in the other file after copy paste i don’t see the wood pattern anymore
any idea why it is doing that
see file here and cannot see the wood pattern
I modified another nodes set up and beginning to get some spec reflections
if you put horiz UV wood on side of a 3D boat you sort of loose the 3D effect cause diffuse UV map don’t have spec reflections
seen this a few time before
so have to curve the UV points to get curved planks on boat’s side to get more 3D effect
You weren’t using any UVs to drive your texture. Using object info/random on its own doesn’t do anything. Here I’m using random fed through a noise, creating colors, creating random offsets to the UV lookup.
Faces are not smoothed.
You have three “suns” in your scene - two actual ones. Those two have an angle of 90 degrees. In the image I’m using only one sun, set at more appropriately 0.5 degrees. I didn’t change strength/exposure, but that is off too.
Not sure what the displacement was about, but experimental was not activated (so microdisplacement could never work), objects wasn’t prepared for it using adaptive subdivision, and the math going into it was too hard to try to decipher.
As you can see, your sun reflects in the boards (HDR sun is rotated away form the camera so it can’t be it), meaning it has some glossy.
I used it earlier today on instances, so it works in 2.82. But it’s still just a random color per objects, can’t use it alone for texture mapping. Need to add it to UV or something for it to make sense. But it will update if object moves, so may not be suitable for animation.
have to experiment with lot’s of planks on ship’s hull and see how it renders
anyway I will change the input info and use the noise to get more
location variation and see if I can use horiz planks for hull
but with some specular it should give a better 3D effect