UPDATE: merged with thin film interference, please see this thread: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?403299-UPDATE-Cycles-PBR-thin-film-interference-and-metals
This is the result of messing around with complex numbers within OSL. Blend file with different metals / transition metals / semiconductors here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5326890/interference.blend
/* OSL shader to calculate thin-film interference
Use at your own risk
v1.4, 2016 prutser. License for the *code*: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Note: the output of the code may explicitly be used for commercial renders.
v1.4 take TIR correctly into account by reverting to complex math, making the shader suitable
for glass->vacuum reflections.
Promote IORs to complex and color-dependent.
Handle physically-correct thin layers on metals
v1.3: improved correctness by taking air to substrate or substrate to air directions into account
v1.2: realized I could immensly simplify the implementation, ditching the complex math
v1.1: fixed bug in complex math functions (pass by reference issues)*/
#include "stdosl.h"
struct complex {
color r;
color i;
shader thin_film(
float d = 1,
color IORfilm = 1.6,
color kfilm = 0,
color IORsubstrate = 1.45,
color ksubstrate = 0,
normal Normal = N,
output color F = color(0),
output color F0 = color(0))
void cmult(complex x, complex y, output complex z)
complex tmp; //pass by reference issues
tmp.r = x.r*y.r-x.i*y.i;
tmp.i = x.r*y.i + x.i*y.r;
z.r = tmp.r; z.i = tmp.i;
void cmult(color x, complex y, output complex z)
z.r = x*y.r;
z.i = x*y.i;
void cmult(complex x, color y, output complex z)
z.r = x.r*y;
z.i = x.i*y;
void cdiv(complex x, complex y, output complex z)
complex ystar;
ystar.r = y.r;
ystar.i = -y.i;
z.r = z.r/color((ystar.r*ystar.r+ystar.i*ystar.i));
z.i = z.i/color((ystar.r*ystar.r+ystar.i*ystar.i));
void cadd(complex x, complex y, output complex z)
z.r = x.r + y.r;
z.i = x.i + y.i;
void cadd(complex x, color y, output complex z)
z.r = x.r + y;
z.i = x.i;
void cadd(color x, complex y, output complex z)
z.r = x + y.r;
z.i = y.i;
void csub(complex x, complex y, output complex z)
z.r = x.r - y.r;
z.i = x.i - y.i;
void csub(color x, complex y, output complex z)
z.r = x - y.r;
z.i = -y.i;
void csub(complex x, color y, output complex z)
z.r = x.r - y;
z.i = x.i;
void csqrt(complex x, output complex z)
color r = sqrt(sqrt(color(x.r*x.r) + color(x.i*x.i)));
color phi = atan2(x.i,x.r)/2;
z.r = r*cos(phi);
z.i = r*sin(phi);
void cexp(complex x, output complex z)
complex tmp;
tmp.r = exp(x.r)*cos(x.i);
tmp.i = exp(x.r)*sin(x.i);
void kz(complex epsilon, color k, color kx, output complex kz_)
complex root;
cmult(epsilon,k*k,root); //eps*k^2
csub(root, kx*kx, root); //eps*k^2-kx^2
csqrt(root, kz_);
void kx_k(float cosi, color wavelength, color n, output color kx, output color k)
k = M_PI*2/wavelength;
kx = sin(acos(cosi))*k*n;
void rp(complex kzi, complex kzk, complex ei, complex ek, output complex _rp)
//return (-kzi/ei + kzk/ek)/(kzi/ei + kzk/ek);
complex ki_ei; complex kk_ek;
cdiv(kzi, ei, ki_ei);
cdiv(kzk, ek, kk_ek);
complex N; complex D;
csub(kk_ek, ki_ei, N);
cadd(ki_ei, kk_ek, D);
void rs(complex kzi, complex kzk, output complex _rs)
//return (kzi - kzk)/(kzi + kzk);
complex N; complex D;
csub(kzi, kzk, N);
cadd(kzi, kzk, D);
void RperpRpar(float cosi, complex eps_0, complex eps_1, complex eps_2, color wavelength, float d, output color Rpar, output color Rperp)
complex im;
im.r = 0; im.i = 1;
color kx; color omega;color k;
kx_k(cosi, wavelength, sqrt(eps_0.r), kx, k);
complex kz0; complex kz1; complex kz2;
kz(eps_0, k, kx, kz0);
kz(eps_1, k, kx, kz1);
kz(eps_2, k, kx, kz2);
complex r01; complex r12;
if (d != 0 && (eps_0.r != eps_1.r || eps_0.i != eps_1.i) && (eps_1.r != eps_2.r || eps_1.i != eps_2.i)) //thin film
rp(kz0,kz1,eps_0,eps_1, r01);
rp(kz1,kz2,eps_1, eps_2, r12);
// R = (r01+r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d))./(1+r01.*r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1.*d));
complex exponent; complex ex;
cmult(2,im,exponent); //2i;
cmult(exponent, kz1,exponent); //2i*kz1;
cmult(color(d), exponent, exponent); //2i*kz1*d
cexp(exponent, exponent); //exp(2i*kz1*d)
cmult(r12, exponent, exponent); //r12*exp(2i*kz1*d)
complex Num;
cadd(r01,exponent, Num); // N = r01+r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d)
cmult(r01,exponent, exponent); //exponent = r01*r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d)
complex D;
cadd(1, exponent,D); // D = 1+r01*r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d)
complex Rp;
cdiv(Num,D, Rp);
Rpar = (Rp.r*Rp.r+Rp.i*Rp.i);
// Now S-polarized light
rs(kz0,kz1, r01);
rs(kz1,kz2, r12);
// R = (r01+r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d))./(1+r01.*r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1.*d));
cmult(2,im,exponent); //2i;
cmult(exponent, kz1,exponent); //2i*kz1;
cmult(color(d), exponent, exponent); //2i*kz1*d
cexp(exponent, exponent);
cmult(r12, exponent, exponent);
cadd(r01,exponent, Num); //r01+r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d)
cmult(r01,exponent, exponent); //r01*r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d)
cadd(1, exponent,D); //1+r01*r12.*exp(2*1i.*kz1*d)
cdiv(Num,D, Rp);
Rperp = color(Rp.r*Rp.r+Rp.i*Rp.i);
else //no thin film, speed up calculation
rp(kz0,kz2,eps_0,eps_2, r01);
Rpar = r01.r*r01.r + r01.i*r01.i;
rs(kz0,kz2, r01);
Rperp = r01.r*r01.r + r01.i*r01.i;
float cosi = dot(I,Normal);
color wavelength = 1e-3*color(635,532,470); //um
color Rperp; color Rpar;
complex nsub = {IORsubstrate, ksubstrate};
complex nfilm = {IORfilm, kfilm};
complex eps1;
complex eps2; complex eps0;
if (backfacing())
RperpRpar(cosi, eps0, eps1, eps2, wavelength, d, Rpar, Rperp) ;
F = (Rpar+Rperp)*0.5;
if (isconnected(F0))
RperpRpar(1, eps0, eps1, eps2, wavelength, d, Rpar, Rperp) ;
F0 = (Rpar+Rperp)*0.5;