
One of my works I did back in Jan of 2022



So, here’s a question …

Does the pencil inspire the person?

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Thank you so much! Sorry, but I didn’t quite understand you, if you meant if I were under some kind of inspiration when I was doing that project — yes. Back then I was only a beginner and wasn’t so sure whether I can do something or not, but at the end of the day I decided not to give up and just give it a try.

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Beautiful! Thanks for the share!

To me, the seemingly humble pencil has epic reverence. It’s one of the fundamental mediums of and for Creativity itself. Primal stuff. Crucial stuff.

Thanks again.

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Thanks to you!

Yep, totally agree, on the one hand is just a pencil and there’s nothing else to talk about, but on the other hand thanks to pencil almost all beatiful things in our world started from ideas that you writing/drawing on the paper and only then they transformed into materialistic ones.

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Much love, thanks so much for that!

Carbon exists to further, Carbon … it’s true. At the core of each and every Pencil lives Carbon.

Silicon is now on the rise … Earth’s struggle is a never ending struggle.

I won’t go much further here, but believe me … Earth’s final war has already begun.

Long live the Pencil.