Perk Machines

Hi there! After years of admiring the art on I finally felt to sign up and post my own stuff.
This is my latest render of a few Perk-a-Cola machines from Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. The Juggernog is one of the first things I wanted to model since I started with Blender a few years back. I’m only doing a little in my free time and wanted to make a kind of photorealistic look to my beloved Juggernog-Machine. I’m quite happy with the results and started to make 2 more (Speed Cola and Double Tap).
Modeling and Materials all made by myself… from Procedural Chipped Paint to recreating the fonts… a lot of work and few hairs less went into this.
I will make a few more of the machines and maybe the Mystery Chest and Pack-a-Punch in the future, but for now this is what i got :slight_smile:
(Only the Background Wall + Floor and an HDRi for nice lightning and reflections were taken from Poliigon - awesome!)

What do you guys think?