Personal pages not loading? Is it just me?

When I try to visit a page like notifications or anything else on my page, I just kinda get this:

If I sign out or open in a private window everything shows up fine.
For details, I used edge on PC and safari/google on my phone and the same issue occurs. I’ve have this since sometime yesterday iirc :man_shrugging:

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delete cookies?!

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Not just you, it’s an occasional glitch from the last Discourse update. It’s proving hard to nail down, since it comes and goes sporadically


Alrighty, thanks for letting me know with the swiftness. Hope it gets figured out

This was my first guess too lol, but to no avail :pensive:

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Yeah, I just had ONE page that did that Yesterday, the rest I selected were fine…

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It appears I suffer no more. The rest of yall good?

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