Phillies Charge Animation

This was done last year for the Philadelphia Phillies. Originally it was hired out to a freelancer who used Blender. The Project Manager wasn’t happy with the result, so it was passed to me since I’m the only internal employee who uses Blender. The basic concept is similar to the original, most things were re modeled, textured and animated. Blender and AE.


I’ll be adding this to my reel, so if you have suggestions for improvement, I’d be happy to hear them

Looks good. Is this something that would play during a game across the stadium video screen? If so, I think it fits perfectly. Only thing that I would have like to see is the trumpets movement matching the trumpet playing.

It is meant for stadium video, and I’m glad you like it. I really like your idea, and had planned to do it, but I was extremely constrained on time when I first did this. I think I had 12 hours to edit and render this as well as 4 other sizes vastly different sizes. I seem to remember a script that would could be used to use audio to manipulate simple animations like this. I’ll definitely see if I can figure that out. Thanks for the comment.

Nice, good glare effects