Phoe sister B-Unit

Biorobots and the future an always interesting. How machines will improve our bodies. Challenging was to make all game-ready mesh. And able for shaders respond in real-time EEVEE render engine. Implementing the animation bringing a new level of how shapes must be modeled. After many tests, I am happy with the result.
You can find more images and gif animation on my Artstation page

Full work in progress you can check here Phoe sisters - #12 by FeralMan

I was inspired by the work “Bubbles and the Phoe sisters” by Carlyn Lim. Recreating forms and style were a lot of fun.


Damn, can’t have children, that’s pretty crazy . . It’s a cool model though, and the animation is superb, Well done - - it’s basically cinema quality, almost - -$

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:grinning:. Animation is hard part))

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Thanks Jasper