phoneme tracking test

just watched image metrics’ “Faceware” vid recently and decided to do a study of my own in blender.
here in this vid i tracked 5 mouth points and used those trackers to drive shapes, some of the shapes werent excactly phonemes themselves but were designed to create phonemes by combining them together.
phonemes tracked:

the shapes are currently symetrical, will try a non symetrical test soon

here’s the vid

Nice job, do you need a special rig or a certain bone count to achieve such motion?

thanks for the reply Atom, actually i figured that out afterwards.
at first what i did is i constrained bones to the trackers and used those bones to drive shapes, but it was unmanagable, had to guess numbers for the drivers, like how far a certain bone could go from its local location. The shapes werent excactly driving up to 100%, I wasnt sure if id get the same result every time id track or perhaps track someone else so i did quick solution.

and the solution was, yeah a special rig with rulers :yes:

what it does is it captures specific bone transformations (like loc in the x axis or scaling) and transfers it to a much more managable set of bone drivers, this way i could keep track of the min and max transforms of a certain bone and use it to push the drivers all the way up.

Wow, retargeting is a big deal for mocap. I am very impressed that you achieved that in Blender.

@3point edit,

thanks, it was kinda hard for me to grasp as well, but as i go along, i tried solving small problems and eventually answers for bigger ones came as well. anyways its still under testing, will update BA with tests soon. :spin:

here’s an update with the tracker rig that i made, the rig now has protractors that keeps track of rotation angles for certain bones.

I have no permisionto see your video . . .

Same here . “Permission Denied”

marwin, vimeo says that video is private one (not watchable for us mere mortals ;))

im sorry i recently set the vid to private, currently made a freelance portfolio that’s linked to it and didnt want clients to see me and my dusty old room :frowning: anyways i made a password for it if you guys still ever wanna see it.

password: “retargetting” w/o the " "

just click on the video link again and a password should prompt you this time :yes:

wow, pretty badass, nice work. This rig/work could result in some real helpful ideas for other blender users in the future, not to mention some pretty solid animations!

Great rig!

I’ve seen your other stuff and I am thoroughly impressed! Great work!

Wow. Very nice work.