Hey people. Starting another project, and I really look forward to this one. After I finished my previous one call goodmorning, which can be seen in my sig, I found that I really wanted to push it further, to try to be more realistic. I may use a couple assets from previous projects in this one, but so far here’s a few models I’ve created for this new one. A couple Ikea things, a couple random ones. But so far, everything is modeled to real world sizes, and I’ve found it’s already helped realism imo.
I notice now a problem with one of my textures already, but anyway, that’s why it’s in wips. :). Since I really want to improve the realism on this one, I would appreciate any input. Thanks in advance. I’m hoping to put these things in a nice room with bay windows maybe, and hopefully incorporate volumetric lighting at some point. For now, just studio renders.
couple cups from previous project, made another cup, cup holder, lovely little teapot. This table needs a texture, or at the very least a displacement map. I don’t know what it is, but I love glossy cups haha. I have a little clock made too, will have to include it later.
hey Harley. It is just a texture, I think from cg textures, but heavily modified in gimp. Actually, the real life model does not have a wood option, only solid colors, like white. What are your thoughts on the texture?
This already seems to be a solid start. The beginning of the texturing is also very promising. The cabinet is convincing, maybe it needs a layer or two of transparent paint.
I always put my models inside a fake room, I think I have a more realistic environment like that, You can download some materials too see how them work and apply those knowledges to your own materials, the models are right I think.
update. added a floorplan, floor molding, couch. The couch was measure and remeasured, as well as everything else. I just happened to choose a weird size for a couch and coffee table. Will likely change the coffee table. Couch looks off partially because of the focal length on camera. still needs work for couch. I’m making the ceilings nice and vaulted.
by the way, thanks for comments minoribus and juanrav. I agree with you minoribus, it needs tweaking. Unfortunately I don’t have a great workflow. It’s model, texture, tweak x10, model, light,etc. I need to change that.
Have you done any sculpting on the couch yet? I just started using it and I’m quickly finding out when adding wrinkles, they look good on a matcap or plane shader, but as soon as you add an image texture or certain type materials, the sculpted wrinkles quickly vanish.
lol, I think many of us share that workflow. no sculpting on the couch, because I don’t think there’s really any needed for this model. I did a little work on it today and am becoming more satisfied with it. made an end table, a shame I didn’t rotate it for the render to show details. the couch model is called the Ollie sofa, and I found it on crate and barrel. the end table is another Ikea item called Arkelstorp. The walls are awful bare so I will have to fill them with some artwork or something else. I think I will end up rendering two different rooms with different items. After the main stuff I dread doing books and small items…boring ha. I guess I will have to do some sculpting or otherwise do something to shape the pillows.
That couch is pretty and I like how the fabrics turned out. But I think the pillows need to be smoother. The center of them is too squarish. The modelling of the table and the tea set is nice as always.
thanks minoribus for the comment :). You’re right. I took a small amount of time today to give the wall a striping effect, fix the pillows, changed the texture, have a new ikea table (halfway visible) and clock. I like the pillows and background but who knows if they match haha. After you do these things a while, it’s hard to tell anymore.
while the pillows and the background match well enough, i think you would gain a lot by rotating the texture of the pillows so that their stripes are horizontal, to better constrast with the background?
your lighting is also a little jarring. The furniture is casting a shadow up onto the wall above/behind it, yet a the same time there’s a dark shadow underneath it. The teapot offers a clue that your main light is too low. In a typical architectural situation the main light (presumably a window) will be higher from the ground, or stretch floor to ceiling. And your render has already established the ceiling in this room to be very high indeed
thanks for the comment, fellow ky user. I tried experimenting with flipping the pillows, but it came off as a little too contrasty. Still trying to decide the best texture for the pillows. I experimented with the lighting and added wall moulding and so far pleased with it. Lighting is not my strong point, but I will find a good fit eventually. Still only getting started for this wip. I really want to keep at this one until it looks real.
Lighting is not my strong point, but I will find a good fit eventually
Lol, I wanna see your week points then When I think back at your coffee machine I can’t subscribe that statement and #14 is very promising already. It all depends on the mood you want to create, of course. I like the arrangement and the composition of the last render very much.
minoribus, thanks. If you ever see me try to do much organic modeling, it’s very bad haha, so I know for sure it is a weak point. I’m glad you liked the last one. I just did a wider shot with the same lighting, but with a tinge of blue. I found some decent book textures, and they just happen to be German books mostly, so there’s three of them so far in the scene. I put a diffuse kind of dirt map on the wheels, and I remember last time I had the castors on the ikea cart, they came out weird. I really like the square render for this angle, I think it works.
Looks good. I really like the streak of light going across the wall. All I can say, is I think you should add a picture or something similar onto the wall. It looks a bit empty.
thanks TARDIS. I’m still adding things. Will add artwork next, or picture frames. For now, Here’s a 1,000 sample render that I wanted to get to see what the lighting looked like with high samples. I think it’s going in the right direction. I’m in the process of making a rug, already have a nice pattern, but it seems I don’t know the way to apply a texture on top of the particle system hair? But I still have much to add for realism. Please click to view full version, which is 1250x1250. You can see much more detail with this larger version. Thanks, and comments are appreciated.
It’s really coming to life now! … I would say, definitely do as you mentioned, and add some artwork or even wall lights possibly… it definitely needs something.
The one thing that sticks out to me that could use improvement is the lamp shade… not sure if you planning on lighting it, but either way I would experiment with some type of texture or color.