This is a very simple scene i’m using to test/develop my photorealism skills. Any tips and critiques will be very welcome the, especially with regard to materials/lighting. The metallic objects don;t look all that convincing…i;ve done this using anisiotropic shader!Key_scene.blend (7.9 MB)
Thinfilm and microroughness can help, but I think in this one the low hanging fruit are:
The Bumpmap on the floor looks fake
Maybe use an HDRI or if you already do, use another one. With this setup, the reflections in the metal seem artificial
Use filmic color management
MOST IMPORTANT: Use lower Roughness and Anisotropy for the Anisotropic shader. 3.0 is WAY too much. try using 0.16 Rouhghness (or 0.4 if you are using the latest blender builds because they are using a power of 2 for Roughness) and 0.6 Anisotropy
Great work, Simon! Thanks again. I’m trying to master cycles nodes and procedural textures. Thought I was getting a grip but looking at your node trees and I realise I know nothing yet! Arghh!