Photographer - Camera Exposure, White Balance, Autofocus, Physical Lights, Bokeh, Render Queue

Sorry for that, I don’t want to start bloating the ui again. You did a memorable job cleaning up the v4.

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Hi @chafouin

This is amazing!

Having these controls really help a lot on camera and light settings, I’m using photographer all the time.
Regarding lighmixing, whats the possibility of creating layers for post automatically, and what about to ae pause the render and change result with out re rendering all the time. i know this will require a bake light after, but I think for architectural scenes witha lot of light is faster and easier to set. Like AE corona and Vray lightmix.
Compatibility with luxcore is great too honestly!

Really thanks for your work

Cheers, Pato.

There are already builds out there (Bone-Studio, E-Cycles) with Light Groups support for Cycles.
As soon as this feature gets added into Blender, I’ll make sure the UI works with it and supports that workflow. I just hope this is not another feature that will never land into master.

Light Groups support might be added to LuxCore first for that reason.
If I see that Light Groups take a long time getting into vanilla Blender, I might make another version for these builds.

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Light groups I think are already in the later versions of blender and for sure e-cycles. EDIT: Maybe Luxcore as well.

I can’t wait for the version 4 drop! This is an essential addon for Blender and no amount of money will stop me from upgrading!

Keep up the amazing work.

LuxCore and E-Cycles have them, yes. It’s actually amazing in E-Cycles that it doesn’t refresh the viewport when changing the settings of the lightgroup, so you can adjust light color and intensities in realtime.
I don’t think it reached master, I can’t find any information about it.

a bit late to the party, but check out dutch skies hdri’s: Dutch Skies 360° HDRI - 11k (

Several different sizes, and come in clipped and unclipped versions.

Are you sure they are not pre-exposed? Unclipped and pre-exposed are two different things :slight_smile:

Photographer 4 is available on Gumroad:
Customers who bought Photographer 3 on Gumroad received an e-mail with their upgrade coupon ($8 dollars discount).

I am having some issues with the BlenderMarket and we will have to wait a few more days, sorry for the inconvenience. If you really cannot wait and want to get it earlier from Gumroad with the discount, please contact me directly, with a proof that you own Photographer 3 :slight_smile:


Just upgraded! So excited to try it out!! This Bokeh function, does that also make it possible to add flares to lightsources?

Cheers 4 ur work.

Perfect upgrade pricing, basically insta buy :slight_smile:

I might got both terms wrong, as I thought he was talking about ‘full range’ HDRI’s.
What I do know is that the Dutch Skies HDRI’s come in a clipped and non-clipped version.
Where the unclipped version has a crazy amount of stops to get in the sun brightness.

Couldn’t find much on the pre-exposed HDRI stuff though. Can you post a link or alike to where I can find info on this? Would like to know more on this.

cheers for the upgrade offer btw. :slight_smile:

@chafouin Upgraded already! thanks for this is awesome!
This became a must-have add-on for me on a work basis, for archviz is awesome how makes everything more easy for camera testing and so on.

Regarding Lightmix, I used both, luxcore and Ecycles, none the @Bone-Studio branch yet. But we hardly need something like corona and V-Ray light mix way, that you can modify on the frame buffer(compositor viewer node should be on our case) either is interactive or production render without re-render every time.

Cheers, Pato.

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Will be upgrading shortly thank you. My only issue is that anyone with the discount code can buy Photographer 4 for that price. Isn’t there a way to monitor the upgrades, doesn’t Gumroad help with that?

Personally I would create a one time code for each customer after they verified their order but I guess it can be tedious.

Hi there ! And thanks for this amazing addon :slight_smile:
But I did just buy today the last version and nothing happen when I add light in lightmix panel :confused:

Upgraded minutes after getting the email earlier this morning. I love that Gumroad allows me to enter the price I want to pay as $8 for the upgrade was simply NOT enough. This is one addon and developer I love to support.

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Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible on Gumroad. I have to trust people to keep the code to themselves :neutral_face: And we are talking about almost 1000 customers, it is definitely not worth it for me to screen 1000 requests.

It looks like there is a bug happening when creating the UI, can you please send me your scene and the error message you are getting in the System Console in PM? Sorry for the inconvenience.

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@chafouin Thanks for your reply, here a scene for bug tracking:
bug_report_lightmixer_chafouin_photographer4.blend (755.7 KB)

You can PM for french speaking :wink: I’m from Montpellier :slight_smile:

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Ha, I broke the compatibility with versions 2.83 and 2.90 without noticing, please download the new version 4.0.1. Sorry about that!


Sorry I missed your message. No it’s not the same physical effect. I would do flares in post, E-Cycles just added a Physical Glare in compositing, I would be curious to see the results.

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