Photographer - Camera Exposure, White Balance, Autofocus, Physical Lights, Bokeh, Render Queue

You could tweak the Exposure of your HDRI in the shader like this:

You can also add another White balance group node to undo the pre-balancing. Do it from the Add node menu. Keep the second White Balance node as it is used by the World Mixer menu, and do not duplicate it or both of your White Balance nodes will be controlled by the World Mixer menu.

However you would have to do that every time you use your texture. But that could help you find out the correct settings faster, and then apply them in Affinity.


Hi. I am using view layers, and I would like to have different environments for each view layer.
Is it possible to set a specific camera for each view layer in Photographer and, in that way, control my world shader via photographer?

Thank you

Yes, in the Camera subpanel, you will find World override.

Yes, but when I change to the other view layer, the selected camera is the same one. I need two different cams, Cam1 with Hdr1 to View layer 1ā€¦and so on.

It is not possible at the moment. I need to think if this is something I should add, as I donā€™t want to make it too confusing for the average user, i.e. being able to set a World setting in 3 different locations.
I assume the hierarchy would be World panel < View Layer World Override < Camera World override?

At the moment, your best option is to duplicate your camera for each view layer.
You might be reaching a point where, if you need to change that many things in your setup, you should use different Scenes the way Blender intended it to?

I totally understand. I think it is an excellent point to have in mind user-friendliness. I think your plugin is already enhancing Blender substantially. The limitation comes from Blender, and I think you can not have a different world per view layer or active cam. But again, Blender already gives an insane amount of tools and flexibility. I can probably do what I want by rendering things several times.

I would really love this. Iā€™m constantly switching between indoor and outdoor shots where I want both the camera exposure and the world HDRI to be different.

If you want the exposure to be different, donā€™t you need to create another camera?

Exposure and world override based on layer sounds useful but isnā€™t really a good idea. If you have options to override world per camera, per layer, same for exposure, youā€™re just asking for mistakes and confusion. Youā€™ll constantly mix stuff up. Itā€™s just too much and I canā€™t see how that workflow can be faster or more comfortable than just creating two cameras for two layers.

If Blender adds world per layer option it can be optimized, but adding it in Photographer would be UI mess imho

@chafouin I found myself needing crop factor for lenses and decided to write simple code inside photographer to calculate crop factor. Think this could be useful for others too. Its fairly simple code to write if you want to, but I can text you and save you time if you like the idea :slight_smile:


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I have added it for version 5. You can always send me your code in PM, for comparison.

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Any idea why bokeh makes freestyle rendering disappear and how to mitigate it (needed for wireframe rendering)?

Freestyle struggles to render behind transparent objects:

Hi there @chafouin :slight_smile:
Was wondering, did you ever think of making ID channels/elements/masks/cryptomates in photographer that can be edited per camera (or in general, doesnā€™t have to be per camera)? Or just a ā€œsimpleā€ way of making render passes for post production work in any compositing software? Something like how Vray and Corona have.

I know blender has cryptomates but the workflow is a bit annoying and isnā€™t really streamlined like in other render software.

Are you interested maybe in something like this?

Could you give some examples of the issues you are running into? I prefer to understand your problem better to come up with a good solution. Of course enabling render passes per camera is something that could be done, but I donā€™t really see the point at the moment.
I havenā€™t had any issues with outputting masks or cryptomattes from Blender using multi-layer EXR in the past. Feel free to send more details here or in DM.

Itā€™s fine. The current way of working with render passes in blender is great for manual work. Iā€™m just thinking that it would be nice to have a ā€œone clickā€ option for all the passes to be enabled or previewed via the camera and then rendered out. Something like how we can enable and disable False color preview.
Not sure how it works in Vray or in Corona but I think they donā€™t need to click and drag noodles and connect them to the correct input/output to get a result that is pretty useful for post production. :crazy_face:
I donā€™t mind it, itā€™s just a thought :slight_smile:

Oh ok, so thatā€™s something like this that add-on function you are looking for?


Something like that, yes :slight_smile:

Version 4.8.5 is available, it fixes Turbo Tools compatibility.

If you make cool renders using Photographer, please consider sending me your images if you are willing to see them used for advertising purposes :slight_smile:


Would it be possible that when you turn off object tracking for the camera from UI empty object is deleted? Itā€™s a bit annoying