Photographer - Camera Exposure, White Balance, Autofocus, Physical Lights, Bokeh, Render Queue

In case you did not know it. Here s an ultimate eevee dof test file for your addon.

I am searching the right method to improve realtime fullscreen prasentation of exactly such an scenario with AF running.

Means you define 1…n cameras. e.g front view. side view. 3/4 front view… driver view and by pressing assigned hotkeys e.g F1, F2… there is smooth interpolation to the cameras by a defined time e.g 4s.

In an realtime presentation case you switch eevee to fullscreen. You can standard navigate the cam free and when you press hotkeys the camera is smooth flying to the defined cameras.

Do you have an idea where is the best place to do the camera interpolation. per keyframes?

Also cool would be to write your extented camera parameters to the eevee rendered image metadata.)


This would be a perfect case for the new Interactive mode that is supposed to replace the Blender Game Engine. Unfortunately I can imagine it will take some time to arrive.

I will have a quick look at it this weekend, see if I can get a simple working prototype. I need to focus on other projects right now, but if it’s simple enough, I’ll try to squeeze it in.

Hi, and thanks for the addon!!
I installed the last version 2.0.4 in Blender 2.80.74 & macOS 10.13.6 and the panel appears in Camera Tab but the buttons in the Header are missing, see the image. In the previous version (2.0.0) that I had installed, the buttons appeared.


Are you actually looking through the camera or did you just select it?
Because it didn’t make sense to pick the focus when not in the camera view, I removed the buttons in this situation.

Edit: You have the add-on translated into Spanish? That’s cool! :smiley:

Thanks for the addon and info!!:ok_hand:

I was not looking through the camera. :flushed:

All work right, and yes I have all addons translated to Spanish, for me it’s more easy to understand the seetings.

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Hey @sasa42 I have something that should make you happy! Just need to work around what seems to be a blender bug, but I should be able to release a new version this week.

@chafouin I recently grabbed the addon and the newest build for 2.8. The depth of field and auto focus do not work for me.

I have my project Unit Scale at 0.01 (I work in centimeters). Setting the f-stop to .95 doesn’t show any results. I have to set it to something much lower manually with the slider, like .02 for example, to get it working.
The auto focus picker also doesn’t work for me. Not sure why.

Correction, due to my error the auto focus issue was because I forgot to remove the focus object from the original settings. So all good there!

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I will set a warning for when this case happen :slight_smile:
I need to do a short video tutorial to showcase a new cool feature and will release it tonight!


New version is here! Learn more about it by watching this video:


  • Camera list in the right panel.
  • Master Camera that can fly between cameras
  • Set warning when AF-S while there is a focus object defined in the camera (AF-C only shows warning in the console at the moment, it will require more work).

Please make sure to remove the previous version of the add-on before installing the new one! This is to prepare for potential code clean up and file splitting in the future.


currently getting this error when trying to select any camera. Master or otherwise.

This is on the June 04 Mac OSX build

You are not the only one getting that error, but I can’t get to reproduce it with the latest Blender builds. It looks like an API change could be the cause, but even with older versions, I don’t get this error.

I’ll investigate, sorry for the trouble.

EDIT: Can anyone tell me if the new version is working for them?
I will release a hotfix today to work around the bpy.ops.cameras command, but I find it curious that I’m not able to reproduce the issue.

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Does any one know if Evee has the ability in it’s code to do effects like Chromatic aberration and Vignetting?

Not as far as I know. The best would be to support something like Post Process materials in Unreal.

@ivobran, @Adam_Velazquez, I updated the add-on on Gumroad which should fix your issues. Can you please try and confirm it works?


Hi Chafouin, just installed the latest from gumroad on the latest 2.8 build. Still has the same error in line 1723. Checked also on the latest build from E-cycles, which is a day or two older build, has the same error when trying to select camera that was added.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Ivo\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\”, line 1723, in execute
File “C:\Program Files\Blender\blender-2.80.0-git.8b2b79c2108b-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\bpy\”, line 201, in call
ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
AttributeError: Calling operator “” error, could not be found

location: :-1

Looks like it didn’t upload correctly on Gumroad, I’m really sorry about that… Can you please try again?

Thank you for your help.

Happy to say it works on both builds i mentioned. Kudos for a very quick fix and the camera lister and master camera are awesome i must say! I still wonder if this would work with the announced Octane for Blender 2.8 build. It will complement the octane camera perfectly.

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Works like a charm!

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Fantastic stuff. Thanks for making the cam interpolation happen so fast.
Welcome Eevee Realtime Prasentation Mode.]

Also congratulation for the article in DigitalProduction.

eevee results are getting closer to the queen of Realtime PostProcessing middlewares Yebis.
Also perfectly integrated in Substance in realtime and iray mode.
We use it in Unity.

When we would have finally the possibility to run fullscreen post glsl shaders in addon code it is easy to add further “cinematic” camera effects like realtime glares and flares.


and old but gold

Better would be Clement Foucault would give us directly fullscreen quad access to to filter these diretly in a shader like UnityProcessing Stack V2.

However. The realtime Glare and Flare Filterings i have in place because implemented it several times in Virtools, Unreal and Unity.

So if anyone knows a method to access fullscreen quad from eevee to run some glsl passes i would assist.
In blender source its timewise too hard for me.

Here the realtime method for flares

from master Chapman himself.

Realtime glares as lines or star crosses are similar…
only slight modifications and strechings and rotations of multiple bloom blur passes…

Good camera lenses should avoid these effects but in realtime eevee it would be simply cool and adds lots of realism and cheeseiness.

My actual thinking… Could be wrong.)
Right way would be Cycles Post Processing Nodes could access EEVEE framebuffer.
Fast in between solutions in EEVEE PostProcessing extension or in addon code like Photographer. Last two would need to run glsl shader passes on fullscreen quad from eevee.

Here the absolut original called RTHDRIBL from 2006 to 2008 think before it finally became Yebis. Made me finally fell in love with realtime cg.)
He did similar efforts like you by applying physical cam phenomena with love to realtime cg. But more the camera lens glitches.)

One last. By providing a github repro from photographer would easily allow community constribution through pull requests, would allow easy discussions with other devs for detail optimisations and new features and log your dev history for better incremental understanding of your work. Could work.)

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