Physical Starlight and Atmosphere Addon for 2.9 (v1.4) - now with Clouds!


I’ve noticed the material shader part is not working correctly with transparency when used with the principled BSDF alpha input. I have to place the BSDF, then the atmosphere node, then mix with transparency to get it to work.

Example: Alpha mapped trees without the above fix:



When working in eevee I have a recurring issue that after a while my scene becomes overexposed when looking in render preview. The lighting gets all messed up. It seems to happen randomly. Even when I open old save files with the plugin as wel. Any ideas on how to fix the issue?

I tried reinstalling the plugin but it does not seem to work.


This happened to me as well, it solved itself closing blender and opening it again, maybe with a system restart in between, i can’t remember :sweat_smile:

thanks, added to fixlist :slight_smile:

an exciting update!

Planetary atmosphere is working quite like the real thing! Unlike any other existing implementation, I have separated the atmospheric layers (Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Ionosphere) with addition to “aerosol pollution sphere” to add some smoggy feel.
A physical Moon is ready too and you can travel to it!

I used NASA textures for Earth and Moon, but you are free to use anything you like. Node provides you with coordinates to apply texture to.

I used real world dimensions for the screenshots below (Earth is 6371 km in radius and Moon is 384,400 km away from Earth).
Notice that there are no objects in the scene, no verts, no lights. It is all World Shader Node magic!
Also - no need to set camera near/far values. This setup allows to render stuff at insane distances with no z-fighting.

Sun will be added next.
With Sun will come penumbra shadows.


You are ridiculous dude. In the most valuable and commendable way!

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in EEVEE. . . Looks… just So REAL !


Thanks for suggestion, yes, I will invert absorption color.

Congratulations! on the new Add-on to your family. Lots of love and best wishes for your future with your new baby.
Cool updates… can we add procedural textures / materials to earth and moon?

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When can we expect procedural cloud? As it will add so much to realism


yes. i will attempt making a procedural earth, moon and stars texture so the addon is smaller.


This looks awesome! Is there anyway to share how you achieved this or will that intrude into the development of the addon? Or maybe martinsh will be kind enough to include such an option on top of an already perfect product :slight_smile:

Restart doesn’t seem to fix it. I tried installing it again but I have the same issue. It’s also happening to older files now. Any tips? :slight_smile: @martinsh

Hello there! Just wanted to say that I’m coming back to blender from 3dsMax. And i was missing this simple vray sky. I saw yours and knew was exactly what I was looking for. But indeed it’s working far better than my expectations especially when I figured out you can use fog with the same node group!
Here is two quick renders where I was messing a bit

I just love it! So easy to set up complex beautiful clean light. Perfect for concept art, don’t need to use HDRI anymore!

So yeah many thanks!



Please add clouds, when?


“When will be clouds” is now officially a FAQ :sweat_smile:

I am currently focusing on removing flat world physics and replacing it with planetary world. Planetary system introduces number of new challenges compared to flat world. This means taking few steps back before I can move forward.

But clouds are high in my priority list. But can’t say for sure when it will be ready.


Today I spent looking for a parametric approach to simulate spherical fog with exponential falloff. I want to avoid multi-step raycasting to speed up the shader.

Here is my result from today`s work. It does not look like much, but believe me - it is the most important part of the shader, it is the main input parameter and changes the way atmosphere looks.

first image shows volume of two spheres intersecting. Second - exponential falloff


Looks super tasty and true to life! Similar to how Deep Glow (previously known as “Real Glow”) came on the scene with more realistic and satisfying HDR falloffs for glow in After Effects.

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Way too big atmosphere. Atmoshpere should be very thin.

This is great, so nice to have a quick and comprehensive setup to add to scenes! ‘Clouds When’, but also: Glad to see all of the updates you’ve been posting, some really cool stuff in there.
Will you support non-earth-based planets being shown in the sky? The ability to just add and move moons would be great for scifi stuff.

My main request now is actually to offer the ability to move the addon’s panel to the World tab in the Properties window! The sidebar in the viewport is overcrowded and not designed to handle every addon dumping their stuff there, heh.

edit: and for a way to hopefully hide these from the Groups: image