Physical Starlight and Atmosphere Addon for 2.9 (v1.4) - now with Clouds!

damn fine job @martinsh

do the only thing missing is having a earth texture and curvature when high in the sky :laughing: #FlatEarthSociety

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I bought it…it’s amazing stuff. Sky is looking so good!

Version 1.1 is out!

I took 1 critical issue, 1 popular wish and 1 popular suggestion.

  • Fogging now works as intended in Cycles and Eevee - No black renders or missing reflections.
  • Stars!
  • Cycles vs Eevee comparison screenshots below.

fog fix - Eevee

fog fix Cycles

gamma variable -1.8

gamma variable - 1.0

I included 8k star map with the addon. Change it to your preference in the node.
It slows down a bit the loading and rendering process. In the future, i`ll include the loading option in the UI.


Fixed it!
1.1 is out. the file should be uploaded in the market.


Oh my awesome !

Tried v1.1 with cycles
Still getting black render while connecting Starlight/Atmosphere node in the material editor. I am applying this to the micro-displaced geometry.

Oh yes. Yes yes yes. I already bought this but if I hadn’t these stars would have pushed me into smashing that “Buy” button. Great update!

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hmm, possibly there is a duplicate of the new and old node in the scene?

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Hi there, your addon looks fantastic! I was wondering if you could tell a bit more about the upcoming physical clouds. Will they be comparable to other real-time volumetric cloud systems such as trueSKY or the clouds from Horizon Zero Dawn or Red Dead Redemption 2?

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Mmm I’m having a bit of trouble. I’ve uploaded 2 screenshots. One with the sky showing and one without. The one without is the recent 1.1 update and one with the sky is v1.0.

I just figured it out. I accidentaly used Blender 2.81 Beta… it converted all of the Vector Math “Dot” nodes to something that crashes 2.80… I will save the file in 2.80 and replace it.
sorry for the mess.

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Cool, thanks. Just give us a heads up when it’s ready for download :slight_smile:

v1.1 is working in 2.80x again


After upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1 all group nodes are duplicated:

Is it possible from my end to fix this?

Yeah, I guess it makes sense. Ok, while I figure out how to avoid it in future - open your scene, go to shader node editor in World type - Shift+delete the Atmosphere.

Save the file, close blender, open Blender and open the file. Old “world” should be gone.

I love how fast user feedback develops the product so much quicker!


as far as I have planned - there will be two variants.

  • One will be inside the world node so you get proper sun shadowing and reflections in Eevee. I yet have to figure this out.

  • The second will be similar to the one in Horizon Zero Dawn.

I actually am helping a film director on his new project and I am also working on system that resembles clouds in Sky: Children of the Light


Thanks for the fast response!
Unfortunately it creates more duplicates if I try to unlink it. I also tried to unlink it save the startup file than remove the 1.0 version and replace it with the 1.1 but it didn’t worked and just created a xxxx.002 duplicate node group.

Thanks for the info, I’m looking forward to those clouds!

arrgh, ok. ill leave you with this issue alone now but i’ll check it first thing tomorrow.

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Hello. Love this tool! Purchased it last week and now have 1.1 installed.

Maybe I missed it in your notes, but do you have plans for a spherical/planet version?
(similar to your super cool BGE demo

We are in the process of upgrading the hardware for realtlime visualization in Morrison Planetarium in San Francisco, and would love to be able to tap into Eevee for some of our work.

For example, we do a lot of powers-of-ten type shots that travel along the surface of Earth, to space and back, and to other planetary bodies. I could imagine an atmosphere tool like yours being used at multiple steps along the planetarium show and scientific visualization creative process, for both real-time and pre-rendered fulldome experiences.

Here’s a screengrab of a scene we’re building of the Atacama desert in Chile using Planetlabs satellite imagery, your atmosphere and Eevee. Won’t be able to pull back into space with a flat Earth!

Thank you. Mike