Physics stop after first collision

I will give context to the madness at the end of the write up.

I’ve setup this scene to have the spheres fall and be caught by the planes, then the bottom planes open to dump the spheres out again, so i can loop the animation.

The spheres stay in place when the floor planes open up though, i’m not sure what the issue is.

(i’m using a fresnel shader to give me a white outline on my sphere so it renders as a ring, this required 6 area lights to light the sphere evenly… for every sphere. hence the madness)

Hi Spudtatoe, welcome to the Forums.
Looks like you are fried with your mashup…

Hmmm. Do you need to set something to mesh as the collision, rather than Convex Hull???
Or a forgotten hidden object wedging the spheres.

A thought… have two planes (front one has a transparent material) near each other with falling rings between them. Less bother, and crisper edges at the end.

may i ask why you are using particles and not rigid bodies? if these are just spheres…rigid body simulation will be pretty fast…

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I am using rigid bodies

I watched a detailed physics breakdown video this morning and realized my mistake, i neglected to tick the animated checkbox on the planes, the balls now react correctly. thank you both for you your time

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Glad you got it worked out.

Can you mark your last comment as the solution… Stops others from adding more comments. And helps others find the answer. Thanks.