Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

CamS2.py (1.7 KB)
Above is the complete code
Below is my part of the code that I want to use PME call class “cam.0v0” But it fails, please to tell me how can I Modify the code? @roaoao @Pluglug

i can use search to call these class But not with PME to call

class Cam_Base(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "cam.base"
    bl_label = "Cam Base"
    cam_name = "C_"

    def execute(self, context):
        C = bpy.context

        # lock cam
        bpy.context.object.lock_scale = (True, True, True)
        bpy.context.object.lock_rotation = (True, True, True)
        bpy.context.object.lock_location = (True, True, True)

        # select cam
        bpy.context.space_data.camera = bpy.data.objects[self.cam_name]

        # Select Active Cam
        for area in C.screen.areas:
            if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                A = C.area.spaces.active.camera

        bpy.context.scene.camera = bpy.data.objects[A.name]
        return {'FINISHED'}

class Cam_0V0(Cam_Base):
    bl_idname = "cam.0v0"
    bl_label = "Cam_0V0"
    cam_name = "C_0V0"