Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Yes, you can store functions in Stack Key slots. And call them from the button using this code in Command tab (video):

open_menu("Stack Key", event_mods(E))

Where event_mods(E) function returns key modifier combination (e.g. Ctrl+Shift, Alt+OSKey, None).
And open_menu() function calls Stack Key’s slot by its name.


Ah, wow! thank you very much for the quick reply!
It’s greatly appreciated c:
Can’t wait to see what else you got in store for us - take care and have a good one!

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running 1.14.13

in the last week I’ve experience some of my buttons not working. The native blender menus work but not my PME’s. For example I have a “ADD” menu button for a cube. When I restart blender it works but later in my session it will stop working. Any ideas why?


Hi, please export and pm me the menu with “ADD” button.

Is it possible to hide the ok button on the pop-up dialog?

Hi roaoao !
Pie Menu Editor is absolutely fantastic! :slight_smile:

Though, can I call different classes/functions of a Script through PME’s “execute_script” ?
Or even parse additional variables ?
e.g.: execute_script("…/Scripts/Symmetrize.py", “X”)

Thanks !

Hi, yes. You can use Pie or Popup Mode to hide it.

Hi, thanks.
Good question. I don’t think that’s possible using execute_script(). But you can import and call functions.
For example:

from mesh_relax import relax_mesh; relax_mesh(bpy.context)


Is it possible to toggle a panel ON from a toolbar that will then stay on screen at a fixed position till toggled OFF?


Hi. No, unfortunately Blender doesn’t support this.

Hi roaoao,

I’m trying to wrap my head around this, but maybe what I’m wanting to do isn’t currently possible.

I have these commands:

(And more, the same but different.)

Is it possible to use these with the modifiers?

I’m trying to do what pitiwazou did with his RMB Menu addon.

Hi @roaoao, the problem I had was due to a bad script I made, my bad, now fixed. Thanks and sorry for my late response.

One question, for you or anyone who can help. I want to see the 3d manipulator only when I am pressing “Alt + OSKey” with the 3 options enabled (rotate, scale and grab) and when I release this shortcut the manipulator disappear but not when I am working.

Don´t know if I am explaining myself properly but if I want to press Ctrl to activate snap options I want to have the manipulator on screen but when the job is done, the manipulator is automatically off.

Hi, where I can find hp_add_primitive command?

Yes, you can try to add this code:

bpy.ops.view3d.hp_add_primitive(type="Cylinder_6"); bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF')

No, afaik, we can’t use modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, OSkey) as a regular hotkey. Ctrl key (snap option) is used as a part of modal operators (translate, rotate, scale, etc).

Ok, but it is possible using a regular hotkey like the spacebar for example???

Yes, but not the spacebar. Spacebar is used to confirm 3d manipulator tool (translate, rotate, scale).
Use Sticky Key with this code:

On Press:

bpy.context.space_data.show_manipulator = True

On Release:

bpy.context.space_data.show_manipulator = False

It works but when I, for example, move the cube, the manipulator is still there, it does not disappear.

Yes, it’s a known issue. Will try to fix in the future.

It’s from HeavyPoly’s custom menus, which are here. And it’s the HEAVYPOLY_pie_add.py menu.

And I meant modifier keys, like Ctrl/Alt/Shift, however knowing how to add Blender’s modifiers is also very helpful!

I’m going to add this feature in the next version (next week).