Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

After a month or so working with PME. I’m thinking only use the 90° positions. 12,3,6,9 on the clock. I think it’s the best use of space. The only thing is, the bug that hides buttons when you group to many or remove the space between rows will be tricky to get around.

Gosh I love PME.

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I wish Blender would build in a outer ring of a CLICK OFF / CLOSE ZONE to PI. I dislike having to return to the center of PI to close. Yes I’m lazy.

I don’t know if this helps, but you can position any pie dialog box manually:

I personally find direction easier to memorize than longer lists because your brain categorizes all those buttons into one direction.

Also you can right click anywhere to close a pie menu. you don’t need radius at all.


That dose help. Now I just have to figure out how to do it. On the closing of Pi, mine will not close with at left or right click outside the Pi. I wonder what pref I’ve got selected that prevents that.

Thanks for your help, much work ahead.

Roaoao, I think you should start naming the PME vertions update after pies,

Apple, Cherry, blue berry, peach cobbler, pecan, raspberry, Pumpkin, sweet potato, rhubarb, lemon, custard, cheese cake, it’s a pie not a cake.

Just put something like this in your pie direction:

draw_menu(“ObjectDownRight”, frame=True, dx=9, dy=-15)

Where ObjectDownRight is the dialog menu name and dx and dy are nudges for your left right up down :slight_smile:

and also make sure confirm on release is off for your pie? might help with the left click dismiss thing (could be wrong on that one)

Hey roaoao, just a suggestion. I sort my menus by tag because I have so many, When you duplicate a menu it loses its tag. Nothing major just thought if it was a quick fix you could add it in the next version :slight_smile:

Also, Is it possible to draw a property using a condition I tried this but it doesn’t work lol

C.object.data.show_extra_edge_length if C.active_object.mode == “EDIT” else None

In this case you need to use Custom tab:

L.prop(C.object.data, "show_extra_edge_length") if C.active_object.mode == "EDIT" else None

Sometimes not active some buttons in edit mode (wazou_rmb_pie_menu_2_2_3) Why it happening?

it will be cool to add in next version of “add-on” these panel, almost all what i need i can made without “Properties” panel, but these parameter i cannot control…

Not sure. Maybe pitiwazou uses some custom tools in that pie. You can ask him in this thread.

You can add this widget using this code in Custom tab:

C.active_object and L.template_ID(C.active_object, "data")

Hi everyone, @roaoao, just an idea, why not using the center of a pie menu as a button too? I think it could bring more advantages than disadvantages, don´t you think???

@Waytoclose, I want to change the position of several of my boxes but I can not with your script: “draw_menu(“ObjectDownRight”, frame=True, dx=9, dy=-15)”.

Any help??

Got a work around disappearing buttons. Not fool proof but seams to work most times. Add blank placeholder buttons.

Have you tried toggling fixed in the row options, I find that helps sometimes.

Are you putting it in one of the directions of the pie menu itself, and also in the command tab?
Not sure if its relevant but mine are popup dialogs

Also I’m not sure he would be able to make a center button as it uses “Pie Menu Official” which wasn’t written by roaoao

Can anyone help me, I have thoroughly confused myself. How do I make a property button, but also have it do something else afterwards?
I tried this in the custom tab but it fails

L.prop(C.object.data, “show_edge_crease”); bpy.context.scene.d_vars.d_crease = C.object.data.show_edge_crease

I don’t think it’s a good idea. Center is used to cancel/close accidentally called pie.
To simulate center button you can set Tweak mode for the pie. And add a Stack Key with the same hotkey, same keymap and Press mode. Here is an example (1 Hotkey - 3 Pie Menus).

Hey @roaoao, is it possible to make a custom ‘drop-down, open-on-mouse-over’ menu?

You can use Regular Menu Editor for this (video).


Is 1.15 in development? Or you’re waiting for 2.8?

Not yet. I’m going to release bug fix update first.
1.15 will be released asap after that update.