PIGEON TOADY - Fan Art (storks movie)

Hey Guys!
This is my first post on here, I’m new to 3D and have just gotten the hang of blender in the last month or so, and i started learning blender and 3D modelling about 2 months before that via blenderguru and other youtubers and my own fumbling around… i feel I’m now finally starting to get some traction with my work and getting the swing of things!

I watched the movie storks the other day (bought it actually :P) and i absolutely loved the character Pigeon Toady and decided to sculpt him! Took me about 10-12 hours to get him to this point, I am yet to sculpt his arms and legs but my final goal is to rig him for animation and do a 10 second animation of him saying one of the quotes from the movie! I have recorded most of the process so far via shadowplay and if i manage to achieve my goal i will be posting it all in a youtube video!

I just added some contrast and brightness in photoshop to the render as well as the text, other than that its all blender!

let me know what you think,


P.S … I LOVE blender :slight_smile: