Piggy Bank with money, oink

Let me know what you think.

Update: This one was done in Yafray, I also added some crumplage (if that’s a word) to the bills. I think its less “surreal” (you know what I mean) than the blender one. One thing I noticed though, Yafray renders way faster for some reason.

One word…


The simplicity of the scene really adds to the overall composition imo.

i agree with that

omg wow

Really nice!

But the background is a little bright, IMHO. It kind of breaks up the piggy’s outlines.

Anyway, great stuff.

really nice!
how did you made the eyes and mouth? UV?

But the background is a little bright, IMHO. It kind of breaks up the piggy’s outlines.

I like it. I think the brightness makes it look kind of surreal. I don’t think that’s the word I was thinking of, but you get the idea. But it looks good.

Very nice and how such an appropriate theme coming from you :stuck_out_tongue: [D_Money]

I agree that the soft glow effect is too strong but otherwise the model is very well done (The nostrils could be sharper) and the eyes and mouth, I suppose are done by UV mapping are well done too.

My only crit would be the money itself. I’m not sure but I think the bills could use a bit more irregular folding (as a bill is never perfectly flat and unfolded unless totally new)

nice softglow effect. :smiley:

What type of currency is that?

Great! Only thing is that little “blip” on the pig’s right eye.

I just love the use of canadian currency in this picture… 20$ bills rock my sox!!!

Anyways… i feel that the pig is just a tad bit too reflective, and the money could be just a tad crumpled or folded to make it look more realistic.

I just love the way the eyes and the mouth look painted, just sheer awsomeness since they remind me of the piggy bank I used to own…

Awsome work.


Monopoly Money of course.

Nice work, makes me think of this image on sxc.hu.

Hey, the piggy looks good. The blur is nice, but in some places it looks slightly overdone…


This is really good, although I would say he’s a tad too reflective.

Is this a Blender internal with lots of effects or a Yafray effort?

really good work, its fricking amazing. Maybe a little fine tuneing on how much the piggy fades into whiteness (imho it should have a slightly more distinctive outline)
makes me proud to be canadian

It’s Blender internal, it took lots of time to tweak it, I tried yafray but the decals wouldn’t show up. ( I now know its because of their image format).

Anyway, I’m rendering it in yafray and I’m going to post it here soon

haha thats awesome. I like it alot.

beautifull yeah it is simple but it is beautiful.