Pigman - Character sculpt sketch

I started this as a simple sculpting session to relax, but after playing with it a bit I think I’ll keep working on it.
I’m thinking he’s a politician, so I could explore the idea of using animals to represent crooked and corrupt politicians.

What do you think? Should I keep working on it?


Love it! Do you texture paint to get all the little variations?


Absolutely disgusting! Which means it’s PERFECT! Very good job, and yes, you have potential for symbolism in there. Use it wisely!

Or abuse it. With great power comes great amusement!


@Gemn thanks! No is just a dyntopo sculpt with some skin textures mixed together; if I keep working on it I’ll probably do a retopo and a proper texture paint on it.

@Embassy_of_Time thank you, I’ll do my best to keep it disgusting for the final version hehe


I find myself a little terrified hahaha I can’t even sculpt a decent human head, so I admire the skill to do this!


Thanks @Robin_Butler!

This isn’t much of an update, but I started doing some paint over to see where to go with the character:

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This really reminds me of those really really old political cartoons back from like the 1800s You could put a top hat on him and give him an old styled suit

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I was thinking in more of a modern/current look, you know, because of all the sudden rise in popularity of extreme-right politicians.

But I’m still not completely sure, maybe the 1800’s look works better, I’ll do some more exploration in 2d before jumping into 3d again :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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Wow that’s awesome! Thank’s Bart! :nerd_face: