
Hey all,
I made a realtime character inspired by a video game i enjoed called Titanfall . I was experimenting with blender sculpting so all high poly is blender sculpt. I also used a few decals from decal machine.
Hope you like it.



Great work, congrats.

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Nice renders and modelling.

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Thank you!

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blender sculpt? hmmm show us the wireframe though…

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Here are some wireframe shots. Blender sculpting toolset has features such as smooth geo and dyntopo , localizing geo resulotion without mesh overuse. I highly recomend it especialy if you work on lowend hardware.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you very much Bartv ! :+1:

Beautiful work! :ok_hand:

Looks great, how long time did it take to make this?

This is technically masterful work and a character that clearly a lot of thought and work went into. But, sadly, in my most humble opinion, this chap completely lacks focal point(s). Completely. The eye just wanders around and around all over. Not something you want the audience to be doing. Even the eyes of this helmet do not become a strong focal point. I get that the character is supposed to be camo’d, and blend in and whatnot, but you always want audience eyes to land somewhere specific. Really, “less is more” truly applies here… again, imho. Otherwise, great work!


I worked on it on my free time so i didnt keep track.

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Thanks for your input.

My pleasure. I hope I didn’t come off as too harsh. This really is one of the most developed armored characters I have ever seen, and an effing masterclass in design, modeling and texturing (and kickassery too!). If there was one single little thing I would personally change, I would make the nose/mouth area just ever-so-slightly less busy, and perhaps have that area more defined as performing specific tasks, like breathing, communicating… Regardless, you are easily one of the more skilled artists around these parts bro! Cheers! : - )

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Of course not! Any feedback and constructive feeback is always welcome and of course carried with me to my next project that i will try to apply and implement. There is always room for impovement and feedback is the best way to take your work to the next level.
Thank you for your kind words and i m sorry for my short anwer i have been too busy with real life stuff Cheers man and hope my next art is even better!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Thank you Bartv!

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Insane work man!! I really like your work! Congratulations!! :grin:

Have you Artstation?

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