Continuing on from my theme of reimagining games into something automated, with a certain “luxury“ aesthetic (essentially an excuse for me to use some of my favourite materials), I worked on a couple of pinball mechanisms. The intention was to work on a full pinball machine that would include these mechanisms, but the project got too big and complex (for me and my hardware), so I’ve parked it for now. I may well come back to this one day, and it’ll be a thing of beauty.
This was my first look at using constraints; one cog driving the counter-rotation of another and the position of an object being driven by the movement of something else. I didn’t find this straightforward, but like all my projects, I came away having learned a lot that I can then use elsewhere.
The sound in the video is all captured at home, using all manner of random objects to help give a sense of the materials used. I always feel like an animation isn’t quite finished without sound.
Here are some crude sketches that helped me through the modelling process.