"Pinch spots" on character mesh

First time character modelling! Having trouble with certain vertices appearing to pinch the mesh when subdivided, and I’m not sure how to fix it.

Looks like you have some doubled or unconnected geometry. Try selecting all, and merging by distance.

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I tried it on different distances, but all it does is close the mouth seam while the pinches stay the same

After working a bit more and seeing if it persists, I figured it must be some problem with my flow of extruding and filling the faces

Lesson learned, don’t update blender versions in the middle of creating a mesh, it just breaks.

I went back to 4.1 (the original version for this file) and redid the nose, chin, and mouth areas with the tearing and finished the mesh.

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Especially the last front view looks like there are some inverted normals which usually could be solved with Shift-Ctrl-N or Shift-N… this may also the reason for those peaks.

So i’m a bit puzzled of your solution, also i’m not aware of any directional select to normal direction changes.