i was trying this tutorial about creating normals and baking them to use them as a bump. The tut was using BI as render but i tried cycles for making better normals maps. No matter what i try and test i keep getting pinched edges in the normal map. I tried using a cage or no cage but doesnt seem to help me either.
In the attachments youll see the render and the normal map. on the hard edges you see these weird shadows as if its pinched inwards
Both mesh have smooth shadows. My render isnt from blender its from thea render. You can see that the normal map has colors differences on the hard edges.
Do i need to turn off edge crease? i tried this but it gave a weird effect cause the i left it on on the low res mesh.
Ive been working on some edgeloops and the uv. I also made a mistake by update the textures but not exporting the new mesh. It does somehow look better now, but still see the small pinching on the edges.
Thea might expect different information from the normalmap. Unfortunately all i have access to is n years old Kerkythea code leftovers in some dusty harddrive - they never kept promise to somehow update that. Can’t test. Are you sure scratch layer doesn’t have impact on normalmapping? Is this added as bump?
I meant the red parts. i thinks its more a issue with how i baked the maps. Perhaps its just me but i keep thinking it looks awkward, the example didnt had these thin lines. Most be something with the edge crease i added, not sure though the example also had these.