Ping-pong type loop

I have been buying models made in Blender (extraordinary animal models by VFXGrace) and importing them into 3Ds Max. Most imports have been animating in Max as they should, but they can take between two and twelve (overnight) hours to come into Max. However, a few come in without proper animations, and the last one I bought (of an antelope moving forward stamping its feet, and swaying its head and ears) still has not come into Max after 14 hours. the vendor will not help with Max Perhaps as a Blender newbie, someone could help with animating the model in Blender. It is set at 15 frames. Iā€™m trying to get at least 300-550 frames of the head moving back and forth. Perhaps a simple ping-pong type loop (which is what it is called in Max) will help?

I didnā€™t understand the sentence well :sweat_smile:
When you export or import animations from blender to 3Dsmax, you can use FBX.

Please refer to the video for the animation loop

The FBX file from Blender (made by this group, at least) hangs up on ā€œimporting envelopesā€ prompts. they take between one hour and fourteen hours to import. I gave up on the last one that I bought after 15 hours.

I saw that video. (why do they make videos for desktops in portrait mode?) My problem with the model is that I canā€™t find the curve editor. Iā€™ve attached two screen grabs of the tutorial and my attempt (on the left).
ā€¦they wonā€™t let me upload an image here to illustrate my problemā€¦

If you donā€™t have details, you can only estimate, so itā€™s often not the answer you want. :sweat_smile:

The capacity that can be attached to the bulletin board is 5mb per file.
If the capacity is high, use an external link.


When you find the graph editor, perhaps load in old files and note how the keyframes repeat. Yes it is the same as the yellow diamond keyframes in the timeline / dopesheet. But you can do more editing in the graph editorā€¦
Simple repeat can be copying some keyframes and scaling them on x *-1 to reverse them. This gives the pong to go with the ping. Duplicate both the ping and pong and paste them later in time repeatedly to get some repeated action.
Hmmm Actions. Open a dope editor or jump to the animation layout and use the one there. Click on ā€œDope sheetā€ in the Header Bar. Change to Action Editor. Every animation when it is made gets added as a new Action automatically. You can load an Action, copy some key frames, then load a different action and paste the keyframesā€¦ Note - this is only going to work on an Armature with the same bone names - the same bone names is how Blender knows where to add the Action. So you can grab Actions off the other creatures - I am assuming they use a standardised naming system across all their models.
Real simple if you take the time to study how if works rather than ā€˜staggering around in the darkā€™. Or not shaking your head in this caseā€¦
Scale keyframes to change timing. Or drag them around. The current frame is the basis for the scaling. In the graph editor up and down is the strength of the keyframed action - so shake head more, or jump less.

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