Pipe joints

Is there any script or method available to join two pipes together smoothly, as in the pic below?


I’m looking for a solution to make the girderwork in my Eagle Transporter build look a little more authentic.

Anything less labour intensive than modelling in every joint by hand would be useful…:yes:

ok one way is to try the boolean with 2 closed cylinders
at 90 degrees

it should work if not then do a retopo and then modify the mesh manually

then apply the boolean operator see wiki for more details

is it the one in WIP - nice work
wish nasa add something like that to go to the moon next time


here You can find some interesting tutorials - the tutorials are for Wings3D but most of those techniques can be easily adapted to Blender’s workflow.



I am very new to Blender and am working on a candelabra. It was great news to find this set of tutorials and not have to start my own thread.

However, I do not possess the knowledge to translate the wings3d 90-Degree pipe joint tutorial into blender as I am just not familiar enough.

Do you think you could elaborate on the steps in this: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/More_pipe_joints
and give the blender equivalents to the commands. I am trying to decode the “Using Edge | Intersect to create a 90 deg T joint…(Adv. Menus reqd.)” portion of the tutorial.

Greatly appreciated.


Not exactly the same but I have attached


Here is the attachment, it is a pipe entering part of a torus.

If you use a cylinder with similar attributes you should get
what you want?

Hope this helps?

Kindest Regards,



Torus.blend (137 KB)

@ Braeck

Simple joint of two the pipes with the same diameter:

  1. create vertical cylinder (parallel to Z-axis);
  2. enter Edit Mode [Tab], choose Edge or Vertex Select Mode [Ctrl+Tab] and select Median Point for Secale/Rotation Pivot [Shift+,];
  3. Loop Cut the cylinder [K];
  4. select loop You just created [Alt + RMB];
  5. scale it along X-axis by 1,414 (well… it’s secans of 45deg {sec(x)=1/cos(x)} - You can easily figure out scale factors when You know the angle of the pipe joint);
  6. rotate the scaled loop around Y-axis;
  7. taa-daa… :slight_smile:

I appreciate the help. But Im still crazy confused on this.

I attached a blend. I got to the step where you scale by 1,414 but when I rotate the loop afterward I get pure insanity.

Again, appreciating the help very much.


whatsgoingon.blend (125 KB)

For USofA folks trying to follow this and don’t want to do the math, you scale by 1.(point)414.

Tutorial on Noob to Pro Wikibook:


Here’s a cool way of getting a pipe to protrude from pretty much any mesh. Could be useful…


Thanks everyone for the help.

Soylent Green that tutorial post was especially helpful. And thank you also to whoever pointed out that “,” should be read as “.” I’m definitely in the US and read that as 1 thousand 414.

Wonderful help from the community, thank you.