Pipe Organ Console

I’ve seen plenty of models of pianos, but I don’t think I’ve seen any models of a pipe organ console. Here’s my attempt. Next step is work on modeling the pedal board.

Left Jamb

Right Jamb

Looks about right! Is there a particular model of organ that you are using as reference?

No specific model - I’m going off specs laid out by the American Guild of Organists (AGO). Most classical/concert/church pipe & electronic organs built in the last 50 years or so follow that same standard, so the placement of the manuals, pedals, pistons, couplers & drawknobs will be extremely similar from model to model, if not exact. The main visible differences between different models will be how many of those they have and the style of finishing. The biggest difference between any pipe organ from another will be the stops, with different manufactures and time periods having distinct sounds for the same stops and different organs have different, more, or fewer stops to choose from. For this I came up with the stop list myself and based it partially on the French romantic style organ and then filled in whatever I could think would be neat to have on a real instrument. In the meanwhile, I changed the material to wood instead of the piano black and added the swell & crescendo shoes (pedals) and music rack.

Those pedals were quite tricky. They are supposed to be concave and radiating, so there’s a radius from two different points that they need to follow. I first used an array modifier offset by an empty to get the correct spacing between the pedals themselves, but wasn’t able to use it to get the concavity correct. Ended up using a lattice modifier curve them on a plane, but it messed up the spacing. Applied the lattice modifier and tried to manually tweak things and came up with this.

Worked some little details today. Updated the shape of the keys, added numbers and rings to the pistons to try to make them look more realistic. Used the compositor to add some glow around the light.

Here’s mine… I used one UV map for all the stop knob labels.