Pirate Hideout - Bellona Studio

Here’s a model created for the Flipped Normals Pirate Challenge.
Made almost entirely with Blender, and rendered with Eevee (took 6s :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Sketchfab version:

And the time-lapse of the whole process:

If you like it, consider checking the whole project on our Artstation page.

Hope you guys like it.



Cool little concept, i like the style and the originality in it!

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Cool hideout… though a little cramped.

Nice work!

Lovely! I love the music too!

You’re #featured! :+1:

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as you most definitely should be :wink:


I love it!

Nice! The water reminds me of the water in the game “The Cave”

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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That’s awesome!

Thanks a lot, Bart!

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It is something about that water that is satisfying. Nice work.

@RGB3D People throwing trash into water is not satisfying.
But the model and texture are nice. :+1:

I do agree

Love the idea

You were featured in the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2019’ on BlenderNation, and received the ‘Best of 2019’ badge on Blender Artists :clap:

Thank you so much for your contribution, and have a great 2020!