Pit Monsters

Trust me, the controls are not on the top of our priorities list… well… more andrews I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m getting a solid 60 fps (about 80-110 fps with enable all frames on) on Linux with an nVidia GeForce 9800 GT (using the closed source drivers).

I guess I should have mentioned a bit about my system when I gave the fps.

Windows XP
2 gb ddr2 800
AMD athlon x2 2.1Ghz
8600 GT

FPS keeps going between 45-50. Something about this fps seems odd to me though, I was expecting something higher xD.

Thanks for the FPS guys, I was getting worried when I started hitting 10 FPS, I guess thats just my computer hah.

FPS: 50~

First of all, is it supposed to do anything when you lose? All that happened for me is that the monsters kept going off the map and the camera stopped working, I could still build :open_mouth:

I think it needs to be more obvious to switch towers. I know you had the controls in your instructions but I assumed that you press it after b not before b so you could see that the button did something. If you want to keep it that you switch before building, you should really put some kind of indicator on the scree, and I would also make it more obvious how much gold you have, and how much each thing costs (I know this is still a demo and a lot of this stuff is probably already being addressed).

And why are those ogre things moving so fast. It would be more interesting if they moved slowly and had a lot of health instead, you know switch up the types of monsters instead of just their speed.

Despite all my complaining it is really looking nice so far, keep up the good work :wink:

And good luck in the competition

The defeat has not been added in yet and either has the HUD/GUI, all that will be added (building will be buttons in the HUD rather then key strokes, the ‘b’ key won’t exist).

Also, the speed of the monsters, HP and scale is all editable through the level editor. Those waves were just quickly done for the demo. Thanks for the complements.

I’m planing on making a better camera movement system, its just the ortho mode delayed that some bit but now I’m back in perspective so its all good.

Btw, this is a bit off topic but check out this TD type game, it looks pretty swish:

Woa, over a month since my last update, this is slowing down. Progress is reaaal slow because school is just burying me atm, holidays are next week though so this should pick up again.

Have been working on the HUD, ugh, check out the screenies.

I really do need some help with a colour scheme, if you guys could get a good looking one that would be great, because I suck at it.

Also, mad hattuer (aka rozzy) did some colour changes on the monsters, there is now an army of Pit Monsters.

I don’t think I’ve posted a shot of the golem yet, the model was lost in PM for some time.

I’ve also been thinking of possible solutions for a level editor, thinking about an external python GUI (tkinter)

Continuing from last post (only 6 attachments per post).

Have done some work on the title screen, not liking it too much

Critiques and comments appreciated (especially critiques).

Nice work so far! I like level editor and loading idea. Very neat!

Some suggestions:
You might want to change the text buttons in the HUD to picture buttons. They are very space effecient and might be easier to quickly recognize.

As far as the menu goes, I might put the buttons in the center of the screen, unless you are using the space to the right for an effect or helpful text or something.

Anyway, those are just my two cents (not that there worth much :p). I am not that great at designing HUDs or GUIs either, so I’m really hesitant to suggest anything along those lines.

I would really like to use pictures instead of text, but lack the skill the create them ^^

Do you really think the text should be centred? I thought it looked good there, I will upload a picture of centred text next time I open up pit monsters, I’m a bit over it today (ugh, HUD’s are so bad).

Do you have any suggestions for colours?

For the picture buttons which build the towers you could render a 32x32 image of the towers and then do some simple image editing to make it a button (really simple = brighten the image for mouse over state and darken for mouse down). Demolish might be a big red X and upgrade might be an arrow pointing up. To make the build buttons, you could just overlay a hammer image on top of the tower images. Just some thoughts… If you want, I could try doodling with the buttons, menu, and HUD images, and post my results.

As far as the text goes, it’s really up to you. I mentioned that because everytime I look at the screenshot, my eyes are naturally drawn to the big vacant space on the right, rather than the important part. I’m thinking centering the text might fix that.

Well, I will say that the color scheme of the menu is different than the actual game play. The game is rather dark while the menu is bright. Lightening the game up and darkening the menu would help. As green/brown/black seem to be the prevalent color in the game, perhaps the colors of the menu should be a variation of the same basic colors.

Keep it up!

Thanks for those comments, I may try some of those image ideas, they seem fairly simple.

The problem with the colour scheme is there is an ice tile set, so it will have to fit in with two colour sets. I may have to try some neutral colours.

Its also very easy to brighten up the game, its probably best I do because I’m trying to hit a cartoony/childish theme.

When you talk about the vacant space is this the HUD or title? Because I am planning on putting a portrait of the the selected object in the right of the HUD.

I was talking about the title menu and the position of the buttons. The buttons in the HUD look fine where they are, but I think the buttons on the main menu might look better centered. Again, just a thought.

Okie, update time.

I changed the code to work with 2.49 (RC1), threw up some problems but nothing big.

Been working on the GUI amongst other boring things. Added portraits of the selected object, changed colour scene and tweaked the layout of the HUD

Lucky there was the extension, tbh I probably wouldn’t have been able to finish on time without it (not saying I’ve finished just yet, not saying I won’t finish either, not saying I’ve guaranteed a finish either :wink: )

Ehhhhhhhhhh… about that animated menu thing…

I have no excuse. :no:

Heh, don’t worry I forgot about it as well.
I would have never gotten this far with out you anyway, cheers.

I liked the old text better, but I’m glad you have everything working!

The old text didn’t work out so well, the capital letters were too wide so I decided to swap fonts.

Looking very nice. The text is perfect.
Liking the look of the overlay menus, makes it look much more like a pro game.

Thanks, it took me so long to find a good font.

The HUD is nearly done, I added in hover over description for upgrades and buildings (newline support ftw!). I just need to give it a menu and a few minor things.

I think I may put up one more demo soon before I finish.

Just a bump to say:
3 more days to go ^^

I’m probably not going to include the level editor by Monday.

Also, if anyone wants to make some levels just say so and I’ll write up a little guide on how to.


http://www.tba-creations.leveluphost.com/blend_files/PitMonsters.rar ~4.5mb
I’ll upload .exe’s later.
The game should work on windows and linux. I don’t know about macs and can someone confirm it working on linux? Cheers.

Enjoy it :slight_smile:

P.S: I’ll probably make some more levels for the game, I’ve just done a mad rush to fix bugs and stuff to get it in on time

P.P.S: Could someone mirror the file? I’m on a free hosting service so I have little band width.