Hello guys,
I recently stumble upon this video on how pixar iterate story ideas using Pitch Doctor (0:28), pixar in house software. I wonder if this feature can be developed under blender platform, since we have grease pencil and brand new painting system.
I know that will totally different stuff but need your opinion as well. Here is how it is described:
Kelsey Mann, Pixar’s head of story, showed a tour of journalists at the studio’s headquarters that he could create a “pitch” for a scene in a matter of minutes using a combination of Pitch Doctor and Adobe Photoshop. With a stylus for inputting his hand-drawn sketches, Mann drew a scene and then brought it to life.
The software interprets his drawings and then creates a frame-by-frame cartoon that shows people what he means. As a team goes to work on the pitch, Mann can erase the animation and produce a new version in a matter of seconds. He changes the expressions on the faces of the characters or revises the way that they’re facing so that it draws the viewers eyes to a central point.
In this article, also explained the story behind Pitch Doctor or pitch docter.
Any leads? Thanks!