Pixar RenderMan for Blender!

I have his scene and as he said this is really slow. We have a pixar dev on Blenderlounge, I will ask him.

Change your Integrator to VCM and try that scene again. Bi-Directional path tracing with vertex merging was made for indoor scenes.

By the way, you should easily share an FBX of the scene and we could all give it ago with Cycles and PRMan.

Sorry if it’s already been asked, but has anyone heard of any rumors concerning official PRMan support on blender? Pixar seems to be suggesting that it’s in the works?


And I agree with others. Knowing Renderman is pretty vital to my career. Unfortunately, so is Maya.

This is an official Addon :wink:

I’ll never understand why claiming that, movies do have ‘interior’ shots almost equivalent to interiors done for archviz, just with different goals… Sure it’s a difficult light scenario, but far from being ‘not targeted for’ like you could say for NPR style rendering imho.

The Pixar dev tells me that the indoor scene is an issue since PRMan 19.0, they are working on it.
I send him your scene and he will render it with proper settings.

I will send it to you or link it here if you are agree.
We could use it to benchmark with Cycles, Guerilla etc.

It runs in license free mode with up to two render slaves, according to their official homepage.

Well, of course you can use, and many have used, a renderer like PRMan for an interior shot, especially now all the sweet new light features and VCM. But I stand by my comment. Read up on RenderMan’s history - it’s very interesting, and I think it’s pretty clear that from its inception it was never intended, unlike certain other renderers, to address the specific needs of the archviz artist.

@pitiwazou, of course you can share the scene. It is just the realistic rendering demo from UE4 without the textures. If there are some magic settings to make this scenario work, I would love to know.

Another possiblity for a render farm would be project gooseberry’s flamenco. Looks like a solid render manager but is blender only at the moment. Has anyone experiemnted with that software yet?

clouclou from sheep-it is looking to integrate renderman. not sure it will be done but wait & see ^^

And I totally agree with you; the rendering requirements are absolutely no different between ArchVis and rendering for film. Film is actually more difficult than ArchVis due to the addition of VFX (liquids, Fluids, particals, etc.), Motion blur, and having to render multiple frames. The one nice thing about film is that, at least for now, you won’t have to render anything larger than 2 to 4K. I’ve seen ArchVis renders for Print rendered at ludicrous sizes. :wink:

But again, for interior shots, try the VCM integrator instead of the default Path tracer. It should resolve to cleaner renders quicker.

55:35 mn on a 16 cores by the pixar dev.
He tells us that renderman needs more work for this kind of render.

It would be interresting to make the same render on cycles CPU/GPU to see the render times.

I would like to know how it performs if you turn on those 6 spotlights, 2 floorlamps, and 1 tablelamp in addition to a slightly weaker outside lighting. That’s what Cycles really chokes at. Is RenderMan better in these circumstances with several lights.

23 minutes with the denoiser

@Pitiwazou Nice gain. How is he optimizing to cut rendertimes?

Indeed! Nice to hear that!

Some definite banding going on in the denoised pictures. Of course, might be image compression…
still impressive.

It’s not my scene, it’s the pixar’s dev scene on blenderlounge ^^

I asked him to share me the scene to post it here.

He said that Renderman 21 will be here in November with a lot of boost for this kind of rendering.
This is a nice news !

The original picture

Any link for this scene? .blend i mean, no maya