Pixar RenderMan for Blender!

The importance sampling map is constructed from the full World Shader, yes.

I think the problem is due to the scale of the model, which affects all the lighting, this is a problem that I have encountered in the past when I modelled in millimeters or centimeters and in scale I encountered problems with the light in the scene, I also used the command Ctrl J to join, planar faces in this scene to semplify.

Cycles render 55:min on GPU GTX 750 Ti 1000 samples

Renderman with denoise 1h 32min on old i5

Below my blender file with changes of scale.


indoor_Blender_001.blend (4.82 MB)

for the sake of the interest i rendered this scene with vray for blender on my anscient q8300

. i believe on my i7 4770 which have died yesterday it would take about 30 sec.

what OS do you use ? how do you get blender to render and get that renderman window, i use linux and only got internal blender ui windows, and even i put it in new window :frowning:

Fantastic! My $0.02, I think you should saturate this thread with character renders.

Here it is rendered in Octane, 6000 samples, path tracing with a portal, 45 minutes. GPU rendered with a GTX980.

I just used the image light option for lighting the scene with the default power (1) and no image (no hdri).

The Addon has been updated ^^

Nice Update !

you have to install IT for maya (no worry if you don’t have maya)
click on “show all” after the warning message, during the installation process
then in blender, activate “it” in the display driver (rendreman output in the render panel)

Why in some renders with this scene appear those parallel lines in the ground, like julperado render?

I downloaded the scene from message #225 and in edit mode I can see some edges there. The lines appear when I render in Cycles.

Edit 2:
The lines appear in Blender 2.75a. Lines does not appear in Blender 2.73a

Blender 2.73a, world off, Plane as emitter, Full global illumination (I do not know if this is important when is used just a plane as lighting). 1000 samples (more samples would be needed to get less noise), 36:19.13. GTX 960 ssc

Thanks for clarifying.

Indeed. Here´s the changelog for the lazy (and Google-challenged :slight_smile:

v0.2.6 7/13/2015* Cleanup ribgen a bit

  • Re-enabled Archive paths
  • Objects Geometry is output to a rib archive either under $SCENE/archives/static or $SCENE/archives/$FRAME_NUM if animated.
  • Objects Geometry is only output if the object is updated. For example if a scene is created, rendered, then
    re-rendered, the geometry would not be re-ribgenned. However if the object was updated in blender, it would update the rib. This will greatly speed ribgens but may cause issues if somehow an object is updated but the timestamp not updated.

In this case the archives directory can simply be removed, or the objects rib archive individually.

How come I can’t get renderman to actually render anything but blackness…

I’m having that problem too. I can open scenes from others and its fine. But if I make a cube with an area light I get nothing but blackness. Can anyone provide a step by step tutorial on how to render a lit cube in renderman, lol?

it should help me at least get started. :slight_smile:

Do you use IT for the render preview ?
How do you proceed to make a light ?

If you want an IBL, you have to use an envlight, add a texture and render.
Add some pixar shaders too.

Anyone else getting crashes on every render except the first one? I can render once, but if I go to re-render the scene, it crashes Blender instantly, every time.

I’m on Mac OS X 10.10.3, 32 gigs of RAM, 3,89 GHz Intel Core i7 6 core.

Crash log:

here is my test;
blender 2.75 cycles, 1 hour 02 min on Nvdia 780;

3900 samples

@sanask, These parallel lines in the ground which I had mentioned in my previous message does not appear on your render with Blender 2.75. Have you modified something to make it does not appear? What operating system do you use?


I make an area light by making a plane, and attaching a PxrLightEmission bxdf to it in the material. Then under light emission I set the light to a pixar area light.

Nothing but blackness when preview rendering to IT.

This is starting from nothing but a default scene with no camera or lights. I added a camera to the scene just to make sure but still blackness.

I noticed that the scene comes into Blender really huge, that might be the cause of the issue?

Are you attaching the area light node to the bxdf input or the light input of the material? Also, are you increasing the ‘exposure’ setting in the light (the default of 0 is pretty much invisible). Also, you should be using PxrStdAreaLight as it’s a newer shader and the older PxrAreaLight is depreciated.