Pixar RenderMan for Blender!

Tried opening the IT studio program from the start menu which worked. Then i set the display driver to IT. And it worked i got an output, still need to figure out the correct exposure settings for the light though.

Tried to render a default cube then this happened

This plugin is very much like the Octane plugin, you need to set up Rman materials and lights. It does look like it’s working for you.

addons does not see the zipped folder here and when i put in a folder i get the same error as you. i tried 7.5 and 7.5a.

I just used ‘it’ as an example, I get that message if I try to use any part of Renderman, from the add-on it exits even if the display driver is set to automatic from the command line it exits with a warning. I tried setting a PIXAR_LICENSE_FILE enviroment varible, editing the rendermn.ini nothing seems to work.

This isn’t a case of it never having worked for me, it works when I install then a reboot or shutdown and it doesn’t work.

@fdfxd its working it just probably means you haven’t setup you lights correct. When this was working for me I had that a few times and that was the cause of it.

I had the same issue: change your lamp to a Spot and point it to the Cube, then set the Exposure value at something close to 5.000.

Does the blender plugin support interactive preview mode like renderman RIS in Maya? The IPR in Maya really nice. I can’t seem to find it in the blender plugin. Am I overlooking something? Also chiming in that while IT works in Maya 2016, I’m not having luck with blender.

Also, denoise is awesome. Tested in blender with quick 32 max sample render, and it cleaned it right up! Fantastic.

The interactive preview is in the todo list on github.

How works the denoise ?

Little render test.

OK, for me getting IT working was easy, I just force installed the Maya 2014 version, and now it works. I guess it is set up by default to use that one. The denoise option is all the way at the bottom in RenderMan Output of render settings. It does just what it sounds like, cleans up the noise in your render, allowing you to use fewer samples and shorter render times. It’s actually pretty amazing.

I might have to give this another try but when I tested it on standalone, it was sooo slow. Because I thought you needed maya to do the hair system and gave it up totally. But that blender plugin looks the dogs. We shall see.

So why Vray and Octane needs a custom Blender distro, with all the headaches it implies? Seems with Renderman they managed to run everything smoothly, that sounds great.

Maybe they need a custom blender too but make a normal addon first. I hope not, An addon is the best.

The denoise is pretty great indeed !

Does anybody know how to solve the Excited error?

I read that they are open-sourcing large portions, and like Thea, the addon will probably be compliant, so a custom build hopefully won’t ever be necessary. Fingers crossed.

That’s interesting thanks for replies @adamnerva @pitiwazou. I’ll download soon, finger crossed it gives no problems.

Hi. I won’t be able to test this for a while, but I am wondering this:

  1. Hoes does the disney shader roughness setting compare to cycles values and typical PBR renderers? I find the Cycles one to be far to sensitive in the low ranges, and none of the useful PBR “cheat sheets” to be useful to determine Cycles roughness.
  2. Does the disney shader reduce fresnel output as roughness goes up, similar to typical facing^5 manual approaches. Does it even use fresnel at all? I did notice it had no IOR control or refraction component.

To my delight, the PxrDisney shader is indeed just like the UE4 shader it inspired. I will need to test render a realtime PBR asset when I get some time. Not sure what normal map tangent space RIS is using though.

For the Exit issue, be careful to the username on windows, with non-ascii characters.

The Denoise is nice.


pitiwazu it looks like denoise is doing a smart blur like in photoshop.

What’s your spec and render times for that. I’m wondering why when I tested renderman before it was so slow.