Pixar spoof

I’m creating a short film, And i wanted do do
some more animation practise, so i decided
to do a pixar-intro lookalike, with the main character.
Well, this was the result (not final though):

(link removed, check the new one)

I’ve improved the lighting, and changed the falling, adding a little bounce.
Please c&c if you feel like it.


Hey! not bad. I like the overall idea. I’d brighten up the scene a bit more and for the animation make it a little more exaggerated, especially with the ending bounce. Also when the plant hits the ground it should bounce up a bit and then back down. But just the plant not the pot so much i think. And sounds would add a lot too when you get there. Looking sweet man, made me laugh.

more light. what is it - a plant of some kind? cute! need to refine the animation though, it’s too blocky.

Thanks alot!
I’ll try to use your suggestions.
yes it’s a plant. Hopefully it will be more clear
when i get the lighting right.

I think the final pose of the plant must be retouched… some bounce like crit said, color sure, the leaves can have some independient movement? … that could help a lot, you can animate in groups.
Hope this help

When the plant hits the ground the second time after jumping: give him/it more time to prepare the next jump; slow down the animation a bit, make him squash (i’m talking 2/100 sec or so :slight_smile: … 'cause right now he almost leaves the ground before getting there). Also in the end - it would look better if you let the plant jump just a little after hitting the ground. You don’t just lie still after a fall like that. Make him bounce just a little.
Personally I also think you should make him jump on the letter two or three times on the letter before he flies away :slight_smile: It would make it look more convincing (and Pixar-like). And perhaps you should concider a little squash and stretch on the plant-ceramic-pot.
And CD is right - you need to light up the scene a bit - not much though.

I really like the idea - and you have done a good job with the animation - so take this as clean-up ideas :slight_smile:

Thanks alot for your suggestions!
I’ve already applied a few of them, and I am going
to do most of the rest. The animation is a little incomplete
in this version, but i’ll look to it soon.
Anyway, here it is:

Please c&c if you want to.

Great improvements. Especially the lighting is much better.
I think the bouncing at the end is too much. Maybe just do one rebounce and then let it drop to the floor. I also think the effect of getting catapulted upwards is better if the plant would bounce two or three times on the I just like morvan suggested.

LOL! Must be a plant made from a rubber tree (just like in Monkey Island…ah, the good old days). :slight_smile:
I like it. Before it was a spoof… now it’s just crazy.

LOL! Must be a plant made from a rubber tree
(just like in Monkey Island… ah, the good old days).
I like it. Before it was a spoof… now it’s just crazy.

That was kinda what i was aiming for :D.

The thing about the “I” is, that my idea wasn’t that the plant
would jump of the “I” by itself, but that the “I” would throw it off.

here is an idea to get your plan of making the i throw the plant off work better.
On the first jump make the i bend like it does but make it stop halfway. Give the plant another jump to try to replace the I like in pixar. But the i doesn’t bend any more it just vibrates a little.
On the next jump make the i give away a little (anticipation) and then catapult the plant away.

If you want the plant to be made of rubber maybe it should sway a little more rubber like when it jumps to the I.

Your web-provider seems to be mad at you. “Not allowed to use direct links…” I can’t download the film.

Much better!!! Yellow is happy, I would use a yellow ambient for the AO processing. And I dont think he should bounce off camera more than once. A little more light? Maybe spots over each letter.

That reminds me of a Wii Linux animation I’m doing.
