Pixelating an object with remesh but making the parts seperate

Hi, i need to create models in a pixelated style and i normally use “remesh”-“blocks” to achieve this look but I need the part so be seperate. The final look is pixelated but when i try to seperate them by loose parts it doesn’t work because all cubes are connected.
How can I achieve this?
Thank you


May you drop your .blend file? I’ll take a look at it.

seperate blocks trial.blend (1.1 MB)
Here you go, thank you! :slight_smile:

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I don’t think I can separate it.

Try the method of the link below.

Or maybe people with new ideas can figure it out :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, I don’t see any problems with this one.

Select your addamsss.001, switch to the Edit Mode and turn on X-Ray tool to be able to select all the vertices.

Now hit “1” to select only vertices and not edges/faces, that’s important. Hit “3” on your numpad keyboard to switch to the back view mode, select the vertices you would like to separate from the rest of all mesh, hit “P” and choose “By Selection”.

Now, you have got yourself a separated mesh, the only problem you’ll notice is that the amount of those blocks are really excessive, to fix this one little issue, select that separated mesh, go to the Modifiers tab and reduce your Octree Depth iterations down to something circa 5 or so, so that’ll be looks identical to your main mesh in terms of blocks’ count.

P.S. Don’t forget also to select both of your meshes, RMB and select Set OriginOrigin to Geometry, thus your Gizmo will be exactly on your mesh.

Here’s the final result:

Here’s also the .blend file:
seperate blocks trial_2.blend (1.1 MB)

Hope that helps


Thank you so much for your time!
I think I didn’t explain my problem well, i wanted the little cubes to be seperate so that i could edit them individually, but i managed to do it with using particle system. It seems that by using the remesh modifier, the result you get is only effecting the surface of the model.
Wıth using particle system, I could make the cubes seperate,
Still, thank you again for your time :hugs:


Heres three ways to get cubes looks in geonodes.

Hope that helps.

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In that case you’re absolutely right. The only thing you could’ve done as well is to apply your modifier, after that, of couse, you would’'ve been abled to control every of the cubes separately through the Edit Mode.

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What you want?

Hope that helps

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Thank you so much!

No worries,

A realise instances node at the end of the chain will give you an editable mesh after applying the geonodes modifier.

Hope that helps