Have you ever used a VR modeling program? I made this 100% in Modeler from scratch in VR. All from basic primitives(no kitbash) Modeled in a few afternoons. I printed it out too, and unwrapped/textured it in Substance Painter, so it sounds like you’re making claims about something you haven’t experienced yourself?
Same here. The cheek of it. I unsubscribed from the mailing list giving that I have no interest in paying rent for software as the reason.
Yeah, they are going to piss people off very quickly with these tactics! Unfortunately I am well versed in Maxon business practices, so I made sure that I had offline activations for 2 machines a while back.
They have already announced the move to the MyMaxon account and that is where the fun and games will really begin for users
I sculpted on PC indeed, even on console on PS4 Dreams
Getting back so old thread, seems you have issues when people does not agree with you and have different opinion.
There is nothing to proove, and it’s not that hard to understand people saying they don’t like sculpting long sessions with a headset on with it’s bright screens to much near the eyes, and long sessions making more fatigue because VR is not natural looking at things.
I even made some few people try to play some few VR games, they find it cool but that’s it, they are really not interested specially it’s more approppriated for Fps games, and they prefer to keep playing their popular third person games on flat screen.
Have fun sculpting in VR but stop trying to impose your VR preference and VR point of view on people that are not interested in VR sculpting and prefer plain simple 2D flat screen for long sessions work.
Cars or planes mechanical pieces was even drawn in 2D paper and have been produced in the real world.
Have a nice day.

Getting back so old thread, seems you have issues when people does not agree with you and have different opinion.
In the western tradition and among rational adults, this is called discussion.

I sculpted on PC indeed, even on console on PS4 Dreams
Good for you. I’ve seen you around here for years, always giving your ‘expert’ opinion, but I’ve never once seen any of your artwork. Nor have I ever heard you give any technical advice freely, nor have I heard anything that tells me you have even half of the 3D expertise that you seem to think you have. Sadly, 3D forums are often blighted with the ‘armchair experts’ who post no work. I don’t go onto golf forums and tell professional golfers how to swing the club, because I’ve never played golf.

it’s not that hard to understand people saying they don’t like sculpting long sessions with a headset on with it’s bright screens to much near the eyes, and long sessions making more fatigue because VR is not natural looking at things.
This just proves your belligerence as you’re arguing a point that I’ve already wholeheartedly agreed with you on if you bothered to read my post above. This has been resolved and is utterly irrelevant.

Have fun sculpting in VR but stop trying to impose your VR preference and VR point of view on people that are not interested in VR sculpting and prefer plain simple 2D flat screen for long sessions work.
Again, more childishness. Discussing(that word again) the merits of flat screen Vs VR to those of us that actively engage in 3D work is a very healthy and interesting topic. At the moment, I work exclusively in Zbrush for paid work and VR for personal experimentation, so I think that reveals where my ‘preference’ currently lies.

Cars or planes mechanical pieces was even drawn in 2D paper and have been produced in the real world.
Is there a point in here somewhere?
This is what you said above, so I proved WITH ACTUAL WORK that you’re speaking from inexperience. Just because you were unable to produce anything with VR doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
You also said this: ‘Perhaps for level design mainly, less interesting for objects or characters.’ - which, again, isn’t based on any real world experience, it’s just your opinion with ZERO examples to back it up.
The hohle Maxon ZBrush thing gives me a headache.
I want to start sculpting DAZ figures and paint them in Substance.
In most tutorials they recommend baking the normal in ZBrush instead Substance, because ZBrush is making there a much better job.
Most beginner tutorials for sculpting DAZ figures are for ZBrush and ZBrush is keeping the vertex order, so you do pretty easy morphs for DAZ.
And there are a lot of good brushes which are only working with ZBrush.
According to my research 3d coat can’t compete in these points with ZBrush.
But the price model of Maxon is pretty indie unfriendly.
So, I’m really unsure what I should do. I doubt that Blender or 3D coat can compete with ZBrush in the next years, from all what I figured out so far.
Sasha Vinogradova - YouTube
This is DAZ-C4D-Zbrush-MArvelous workflow, but you can use Blender or any other software instead of cinema.
You touch great issue in every ‘art’ community. Lot of ‘artists’ without any works to show, any achievements behind his words.
btw. what you think, are there possibility for Zbrush to get VR version? I mean to convert at least part of his functions in VR world?

btw. what you think, are there possibility for Zbrush to get VR version? I mean to convert at least part of his functions in VR world?
I don’t think that could ever happen without a full rewrite of Zbrush. Its power from the early days is also the heart of its greatest weakness in the modern era.

I doubt that Blender or 3D coat can compete with ZBrush in the next years
You said it… Hehehe…
So I guess you know what to do…
Maxon get himself in "interesting’ position, buy Zbrush and Forger in same time ‘new kids enter the arena’ I guess that it’s hard or impossible to simply add VR functionality to Zbrush… But maybe they can make something “new”, which will have some of Zbrush features. I don’t have possibility ( $$$$$ ) to play with VR, but see that they have some nice tricks… which I love to see in ‘classic’ Zbrush… Even Dream for Playstation in right hands can make acceptable good results, for some purpose.
3D Coat is great program. But his drawback is relatively small develop team and fact that 3DC is multi purpose software. Just like Blender, it’s hard to develop all features in same time.
Zbrush is more or less two tricks dog.
Hahaha, whenever you say the magic words “3D Coat”, @carlosan magically pops up like a genie.
So? I know for this thread… do they start to give a free pizza, or something like that;)

I doubt that Blender or 3D coat can compete with ZBrush in the next years, from all what I figured out so far.
I’d like to nuance this a little. ZBrush is a sculpting force to be reckoned with, that’s for sure. But… Blender’s Sculpt Mode has a really decent toolset and has been improved a lot during the past years. Blender has certain tools that can’t be found in ZBrush, such as the Pose brush, the Elastic (Kelvinlets-based) tools, the ability to have a separate window with a camera view, two great integrated renderers, and more.
Furthermore, I personally prefer Blender’s Edit Mode for polygon modeling above ZModeler (I know @Musashidan is a crack at ZModeler and in such capable hands it can be very powerful, but this is just a personal preference).
ZBrush still has the edge when it comes to being able to cope with massive amounts of polygons, so for high-detail work it still outperforms Blender Sculpt Mode. Of course there are more things that are still better in ZBrush, such as its Insert brushes and Clay brush engine. But generally speaking, Blender’s Sculpt Mode is not bad at all when compared to ZBrush. There are lots of overlapping functions. I wrote an article about this a few years ago, which still holds up reasonably.
Yeah, in hardsurface modelling is Blender pretty good (with some addons).
What I need is a pipeline where I can use DAZ Genesis 8 Figures as a base, make a custom sculpt and paint them Substance painter and render them in Blender.
At the moment I pratice painting skin in Substance using the normals and shapes which are comming from DAZ.
But at some point I want to sculpt my own custom Genesis models.
Having a good normal is for substance very important and I need also a perfect displacement maps for the details (I prefer for my purposes at the moment having the high res details in vector displacement maps, as long we don’t have multi res shapekeys in Blender).
The problem is, neither Blender or Substance or baking perfect normals and displacement maps.
But after in many Substance tutotrials zBrush is recommended for baking, I guess that you get a much better result in zBrush.
And for zBrush I get tons of tutorials for this workflow and a lot of awesome brushes which only work in zBrush.
And of course I can model in zBrush in Subdivision 5 skin pores at a DAZ model. Haven’t tried it with Blender, but I guess Blender may be a little bit overwhelmed by so many polygons?

Good for you. I’ve seen you around here for years
I joined some two years ago, i was very active only few months on this forum when i was using Upbge, then i left.
Sicne i was not very present and not posting very day unlike some other people.
You seem to have lot of time to waste watching who is present on the forums or not.
I think i posted few small works on MagicaCsg or some Geometry nodes test work for example for some project, or a retopo test for some Unreal 5 other project, all other my work is more about level design and outside and some under Nda. Not everyone feels the urge to share everything on forums, some studios also does not post on forums.
I’m not expert in anything, never said that.
But i used a lot Zbrush , 3D coat and enough Blender to know minimum about them for 3D work indeed.
I have my own opinions and preferences, whatever it makes you angry people can’t agree with you all time.

Again, more childishness
Again i have nothing to do with you or what you do. Let it go.
Why continue discussing VR when i gave you my opinion already many times ?
I don’t find it comfortable and i prefer flat screen, why does that bother you so much ?
you need to discuss it again when people say to you they have different preferences and opinions than yours.
Perhaps you have personal problems that irritates you ?
So you act like you can’t understand people have different preferences than yours and this irritates you ?

Is there a point in here somewhere?
Art and many things can be done without needing VR.

, so I proved WITH ACTUAL WORK that you’re speaking from inexperience.
I never asked you to showcase anything ? i don’t have time to watch what you work on or what you post unlike you.
I do paid work but i don’ t have time to loose hours making a model just for showcase, i have other occupations taking lot of time and lot more important priorities than trying to proove anything on a forum.
Good luck.
It was never about your opinions. If you could decipher basic English you’d know that. You asserted claims based on little to no experience. Didn’t like what I had to say in response. Resorted to insults and babyishness. Each of your rebukes above are filled with very immature nonsense and personal insults. I’ve a thick skin, so no harm done, merely pointing out your methods are infantile.
@moderators please feel free to delete everything related to this entire line of nonsense.
I’m happy with some great success on what i do and in also in other areas outside graphics.
I don’t feel the need to showcase neither the need to to be right about a discussion.
I hope you’ll find success and will be more happy and less reactive.
Good luck to you and have a nice day.