Pixologic ➔ Maxon ZBrush

Yes, but…

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but the difference is, that Serif stays an own company. Looks like there are currently no big changes for the end customer. Let‘s hope for the best. I think they know, if they switch to subscription, there is no reason to switch to Adobe.

Pixologic is also still the same team, but Maxon is the owner, and pushed subscriptions. Canva has capital investors, who will hunt for maximum profit. I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but I’ve seen this happening too many times in the software industry.

But you can keep using V2 for years, and there are enough great alternatives, if necessary. Have a look at this Mastodon thread:


Gimp and Inkscape are no alternatives :wink:

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They’ve come a long way in the mean time.

I always get a little twinge of dread when I see this thread pop up again. Well we have all seen this movie a few times now already I think.

As regards continuing using our older versions how do people currently feel about the ZBrush offline activation. I did this myself as well during the period of great uncertainly and lack of information after the take over but now worry if I might be boxing myself in. So far the old Pixalogic My Licences is being kept going. They say this is likely for a long time yet but I guess there is no knowing for sure for how long.


Oh, that old chestnut… :grinning: Yes, this is how it always starts out.


It’s the standard corporate doublespeak. At least my investment in affinity was small, and I got years of ZB free since V2, and it still does everything I need it for so maxon won’t see any cash from me.

Not as gutted as I was with the death of xsi.


@Metin_Seven : Your tendency of cross-posting endangers my mental health by creating a recursive paradox in my head, like so:

  1. The Affinity buyout is basically offtopic in this thread.
  2. Metin Seven is a moderator.
  3. Part of a moderator’s tasks is to counteract offtopic posts, not invite them.
  4. Contradiction encountered. Fatal error. Brain meltdown imminent. :exploding_head: :boom:

greetings, Kologe

I think in broader conext of the thread and where it has gone it is OK surely ?

This became such a very wide ranging thread on the subject of buyouts and licensing, forced subscriptions etc as well as quite a few jokey posts and applicable posts about Blender sculpting. I thought Metin was retired as a moderator ?


Adobe said that about substance suite verbatim. Here on this very forum, I believe!

Suppose my remark falls into the last mentioned category. Maybe I didn’t make the ironic nature of the brainmeltdown-part obvious enough^^.

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Have they? They’ve added and refined things, but progress is very slow, and personally speaking I find both apps in need of a little more than mild polish.

No worrys it was my mistake. The aforementioned little dread I often feel upon seeing this thread once more rise up from the depths. I think it dulls my senses to humour a little bit. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, I don’t think any of us using Zbrush that long would complain. We had a good run. I think the worst part is that we all would have been happy to pay annual upgrade costs to Pixologic if we had known what was coming 10 years ago. The classics Fry from Futurama ‘Take my money’ caption.

Almost as bad as what they did to Mudbox, but yes, XSI was the worst case of this of all time regarding creative programs.


uh, the (new) QA team in Germany says otherwise. :wink:
I didn´t join because the offer was a bit underwhelming…

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I do my best to keep challenging your brain, Kologe. It’s good to keep it occupied. :wink:

I was, but I was more or less forced to return to my duties when I was accused of using generative AI in an artwork thread of mine. :smirk:


Those of you who’d like to blow off some Affinity steam are welcome here:

What I am hoping this is not a sign of is BA joining the list of sites where the staff practices “rules for thee, not for me”.

We are seeing moderators post things that would get flagged if they were made by anyone else, and no one here has the audacity to actually flag a mod post even though the icon is there. If we value not seeing Blenderartists eventually become three or four separate communities, then it is best to be consistent.

Yes, the Affinity situation is a buyout like this one, but this is supposed to be related to the specific case with Pixologic.

This most recent discussion is a bit off-topic; I don’t see it as a massive departure from the topic, but it would probably be for the best to restrain this thread to ZBrush and use this thread for Affinity, as @Metin_Seven has (patiently) asked here :slight_smile:


What a joke. Well done, Maxon. Now that you’ve locked everyone into subs you don’t have to bother your arse to further develop the program… This is the worst ‘update’ I think I’ve ever seen in any 3D program. This screenshot is not cropped, this is the full, exhaustive list for this release.