plane game still working on missiles added screenshots

I have been working on this game for a week
Tell me what you think
Updated June 18
up key = down
down key = up
left key = rot plane left on y axis
right key = rot plane right on y axis
a key = rot plane on z axis
d key = rot plane on z axis
page up = go faster
page down = go slower
m key = missile
b key = bomb
figured out the bombs Here are some screenshots :yes:
Missiles 90%
Skybox(es) 50%
terrain 0%
AI 0%
materials ??? I don’t know if I will leave the plane looking like it is
Planes 20%
startup screens 0%

what I need help with now:
getting x y and z rotation values out of the 3 by 3 matrix that is returned with the command


Hey just when you remove parent assign property Move 1 if property move is 1 then move linV 100… If you dont understand PM me.
EDIT: Just set the L button in the linV and set the motion Z -100 or use DLoc. You can use scripting(I think)to set the Actor Dynamic to true again

I already fixed it
now the bombs will drop and the missiles will hit the cube
now I have to make enemies!!!

Ehm… I just see three planes… none of the controls are working either… hmmmm…

sorry wrong link Here is the correct link

Well done! Very good setup!

I have done two airplane mini-games, and I’d say this one looks like it may be better than both of them! Great work, keep it up! I really like the level of detail: wing-mounted bombs, moving flight surfaces, etc.

The controls remind me of starfox for some reason.

Yes, nice setup!
Keep in mind that the “game view/window” should match, more or less the camera frame/lines?!

yea I will set up the camera better and have different views.
Any ideas on how I can make the missile decide which plane to hit if there are multiple planes??

Here’s a model made by me of the SR - 71 type A, if you use it please give credit when due…
Argh forgot the flippers XD New file

screenshots please! (I can’t download it right now, blender doesn’t work on my dads computer)
Here are some screenshots!

You can use ray sensors… You could make a list of the objects and pick the closer one and shoot at it if it’s in the front. Some operations with lists that can work:

#Initialize everything...

objlist = gl.getCurrentScene().getObjectlist()

for object in objlist:
    if not hasattr(object, "plane"):
        del object

shootlist = objlist...

This is kinda complicated, and it’s giving me headaches… So what you need to do is select the nearest object and if a ray can see it then assign, else continue searching for objects… For doing that you would sort a list of integers. My duck hunt game in the scores menu is a good example of sorting integers appended to strings (They can be game objects):

scorelist_file = open("highscores.dat", "r")
scorelist_lines = scorelist_file.readlines()

for line in scorelist_lines:
    mylist = line.split(", ")
    mylist = [mylist[0], int(mylist[1].replace("
", ""))]
    text = mylist.reverse()
    ltext = (mylist[0], mylist[1].upper())
print "The scorelist is: " + str(scorelist)

I hope that helped… If you don’t understand, learn python (PYTHON, not BGE python)
You can buy the Python Pocket Reference by Mark Lutz, which has many things about python, including lists, sorting them, and choosing objects from them… Here is a link to the “Non Programmer’s tutorial for Python”:’s_Tutorial_for_Python/Contents

I have another problem when I get the objects eny1 and eny2 and have it when the missle tracks either eny1 or eny2 (whichever closer) It doesn’t track eny2 when eny1 is destroyed the error I get is
KeyError: “’‘OBeny2’’ not in list”
[[time not found]Error in Errorhandling routine.20]PYTHON SCRIPT ERROR:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “mis2”, line 6, in ?
the .blend is here [URL=“”]Updated June 18[/URL

???Maybe you dont have the object in your list. I’ll check the .b file.

i think its because you deleted the object…

Good job. There needs to be some correction; however. The missiles should only home in on the object when they are in front of it. Of course, you probably knew that. There should be enemy sorting. If you don’t, your game will crash (of course, again). The plane should also be much less responsive.

I would love to see this one finish. I started on a flight sim a while ago. I haven’t really seen that many, so good luck with this project.


I’m not good at python even though I’ve done lots of tutorials and when I tried to sort the enemys it didn’t work.
I think when I am at least done with the missiles I will redo all the controlles including the thrust.

You need to do what i said with the empty, or code something depending of the angle of the player and position and position of the enemies. It’s easier to check if a ray is hitting the enemy.

You need to take a look at lots of python tutorials… I recommend learning to program with a harder language, like C++. You can learn to program with just a book and your computer.