planet E (update 11/19/04, pg 2: IPO variations)

Wow! :o :smiley:

yea work it!

I liked the material on the first one more.

I’m just curious to know what would be the result if the texture in the channel 8 was animated? could it make a difference?

Thanks Stefano, criss, and Gabio :smiley:

Gabio, I focused more on the 8th texture channel and tweaked some of the IPOs to dampen the dispersion of the particles. This was the result of that effort, and I thought it was fitting to call this one “Planet G” to signify your input and because at an angle it vaguely resembles a G :slight_smile:

Anyway, please click here to view the third render.

I also used the material from the first render :wink:

Well there are really infinite possibilities with this. Particle duplications may seem either wild or predictably radial and symmetrical during the first few attempts, but by carefully tweaking values, steps, keys, 8th channel texture, IPOs, etc., results are incredibly manageable and full of potential.

For those who may have missed the second render scroll up a few posts or click here.

Thanks again for checking out my stuff :slight_smile:


ho, it wasn’t necessairy. :expressionless: the result is cool, because it’s a bit caotic. start to have a feel of dark star from starwars.