Planet Earth with 23-Page Tutorial (4th Edition)

Does anyone know if Lego Animator still visits this forum? His last activity seems to have been in 2009, and his website ( is down. I too am trying to get a hold of the PDF tutorial.

Unfortunately, I haven’t had much luck searching the Internet for an archived copy. Everyone seems to refer back to either, or, which is also gone.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

I have it, but since I am not the author, I’m not sure if I should make it available to the blender community via a more permanent link.


As it was a freely distributed PDF and not artwork or assets, I see no trouble in re-distributing it. Especially as the author has not retracted the document explicitly. Sometimes others will make a tut for the community then later sell it through another site. When they do that, they explain their position and redirect you to the new source, hoping to sell the info to you. This hasn’t happened here.

Does anyone know a suitable place I can upload this file so it is forever available?

I would be interested in the PDF as well, and .blend models if they are available.

It appears that Will Chamberlin’s website was having issues so he started a second, but that one has also disappeared. The most recent activity I was able to find for him, related to either the earth project or legos, was early 2009.

The blender repository at has three different Blender models submitted by LegoAnimator (apparently a pseudonym for Will Chamberlin). But the downloads were linked to his website which is not working.

I am interested in PDF/.blends to.
Cheers, mib

I have a version of the PDF, and I just found the .blend files.

The PDF is 46.9MB and the .blend files are each 3.5MB. All are too large to attach, and I don’t have any hosting set up anywhere. Let me know if anyone has ideas on how to share these…

or (no account needed)

Hope they uploaded okay…

tutorial PDF -the most recent one I have. Someone else may have a better one.

bluemarble .blend file
photorealistic .blend file

Awesome, thanks!
It looks like everything downloaded ok.

Could someone please re-upload the tutorial?

nice work, still looking for those tutorials.

Hey Way Star would you be able toput them in dropbox? I’m interested in the photoreal one for a short film I’m doing but can’t get onto filedropper without forking out the dosh!

You have captured everything quite nicely in both renders- Beautiful- how much do you think you would charge for a tut, if it went to disk?

Wow, that much. About what it’s worth Huh. Fuck it I’ll make my own.

So, why no tutorial?

Hi WayStar

Looks like the files are not there or I have to wait for a long time to let the service to load. Are the tutorial and blend files still uploaded?


Could someone please re-upload the tutorial and blend files.


I’m looking for this tutorial too! Been through a thousand links. Pls let me know if it becomes available. Thanks!

Hi everyone

I’m looking for this tutorial too with no success. I guess we have to wait for Lego Animator to update the link; if anyone have the tutorial and blend files, we are going to be very gratefull if you uploaded somewhere.

Greetings to all