Planet Render. Any Thoughts?

Started work on this project yesterday. I took a very obscure approach when it came to adding materials to the planet, i will attach an image of my node setup. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on improving this, or possibly anything else to add in to this? Comments very welcome.


Material Node setups. For the planets surface, and the planets atmosphere.


The model is not in scale at all, i think it is a meter in diameter, i cant remember. The atmosphere is a seperate sphere with no surface materials, just volume.

The brownish planet in the background is a copy of the first planet, shaped into a smoother version with a slightly different node setup.

I’ve altered the colours of my planet slightly, but that is all i could do… the setup for my nodes is difficult to control efficiently. can someone have a look at the image of the node tree that i posted earlier and see if you can come up with an idea on a way to do this with more control?

I used a black and white image of earth to displace the geometry, and also used the same image as the factor for mixing together my land and water shaders. (I was suprised that this method actually worked)

The atmosphere is easy to control, it’s a spherical gradient texture attached to a multiply node which links in to the density of the Volume Absorbtion/Scatter Shaders, these are then linked together via a mix node.

The lights are just from a particle system emmiting small emmisive spheres with a very low velocity (normal - 0.001) with gravity set to 0

I’ve been making some adjustments and improvements to this every now and then for a while now, and i think i’ve started to make some progress. The Planets materials are looking better, I added SSS to the land shaders, and altered the colours of the water shaders. Ive attached an image of the node setup.

Added a comet from another project i was working on, i think it works nicely in the scene.

I still need to add in another planet to fill the left portion of the image, and i was hoping someone might have some suggestions for anything else to add into the scene, or point out any areas that need adjustments/improvements.
